Considerations under the Aquarian Moon

October 5, 2022

Sergey Naryshkin, Director of the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service of RF) stressed that “only a real willingness to defend our native land will allow us to protect the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Russia.” After all, “the West’s desire for world domination will collapse only when it encounters a serious, organized resistance.”

Very much so. Sovereignty is a Black Moon in Leo (Jan-Oct 2023) issue – in general, around the world.

Serious, organized resistance and organized society/community is a Pluto in Aquarius (2023 – 2044) key. To resist and to thrive.

Power to the many stars shining bright in the sky.

As Vladimir Putin stated on Sep 30, “Russia is not alone, anti-globalist liberation movements are taking shape in countries around the world, and this force will be the one to determine the geopolitical reality of the future.”

Pluto in Aquarius is what comes after the USA’s Pluto Return, at 27° Capricorn (3/3 hit in Dec 2022).

That is the direction Pluto will be heading as he goes into Direct motion.