This article assembles the work delivered in three slightly different lectures in the same month of November 2020, on the verge of the Great Mutation. The lectures covered the same fundamental work, with variations in duration and emphasis, and were presented in three different languages, for different online astrological events, being the first one in Portuguese for CINASTRO (Brazil, Nov 19), the second one in Spanish for the FEVA Conference (Caracas, Venezuela – Nov 22), and the third one in English for the Brave New World Symposium of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency (Melbourne, Australia – Nov 28).

November 29, 2020

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0º Aquarius, in December 2020, marks what we call in astrology the Great Mutation, indicating important socioeconomic changes approximately every 200 years. Adding to it, other significant aspects in the 2020s reinforce a major transition of the World-System. Through a Dystopian Renaissance, all that is solid mutates into air and the very structures of our world are reconfigured.

There is a whole astrological choreography to the dance of this major change taking place in the decade. In this work, I focus on three of the key aspects indicating major changes. Two of the selected are the ones taking place in 2020, which mark the END of the world as we knew it and the BEGINNING of the transition to a new world-system. Each of these 2020 aspects relates to an 800-year cycle. The third selected aspect happens in a few years from now and is impressively rare and peculiar, interestingly pointing to what is to come into being in the times ahead, as the system changes.

These three key major aspects are:


Profound economic and social RESTRUCTURING. Unmistakably a new cycle in POWER. At the beginning of 2020, the END.  And the foundation, the deeply placed cornerstone for a new world about to emerge.


Shared ideas and ideals become even more important. Sharing – collaboration and cooperation are now, more than ever, what makes the world go around. End of 2020, the BEGINNING.  A new world is in the Air.


2026 – A New Conception of Reality. A new reality is to be born, brought into existence.

The World-System

We are undergoing a major transition of the very world-system, as conceived in the works of Emmanuel Wallerstein:

“Our historical system is the modern world-system. Its form is that of a capitalist world-economy. It came into existence in the sixteenth century in a geographic zone that encompassed large parts of Europe and some parts of the Americas. By the late nineteenth century, the system’s internal drive for constant geographical expansion led it to encompass the entire earth and thereby create for the first time in human history a single global system.”(Beijing, 2016)

A world-system has three moments in time:

  • when it comes into existence and has its flourishing;
  • its normal life, when there is stability;
  • and the structural crisis, when the system is no longer working so well, which is then a time of great instability.

Wallerstein, who has passed away in 2019, recognized that “we are living in the midst of a structural crisis of our historical system. This is not a mere cyclical downturn that can be remedied by some kind of adjustment to our collective policies. Rather, it is the kind of crisis that comes only once every 500 years or so.”

Emmanuel settles the destiny vs. free will dilemma in a very interesting way, which I strongly agree with from an astrological perspective as well: both exist. During the stable period of the system’s normal life, it is very hard to make changes in it, it takes a lot of effort to do so – this is the time of destiny. During the structural crisis, however, there is great instability, thus little moves can have strong effects – that is the time of free will. Every little move during the structural crisis does count.

Right in the Structural Crisis of the World-System

All the many institutions of the modern world-system operate to promote the infinite accumulation of capital. There is an increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, while so many do not have the basics to live. The lack of work and livelihood means that many are also unable to consume. Therefore, they do not contribute to profit and to generating more accumulation of capital.

According to Oxfam’s report of 20 January 2020, Time to Care, the number of billionaires has doubled in the last decade: “Economic inequality is out of control. In 2019, the world’s billionaires, who number just 2,153 individuals, held more wealth than 4.6 billion people.”

Up to 12,000 people may die of hunger daily, by the end of 2020, due to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic – more than to the disease itself -, warns Oxfam in the report The Hunger Virus: how COVID-19 is fuelling hunger in a hungry world, July 8, 2020. The document reveals how 122 million people can be brought to the brink of hunger this year as a result of the social and economic impacts caused by the pandemic.

According to the UN World Social Report 2020, Inequality in a Rapidly Changing World, international cooperation is more important than ever. Global challenges call for strengthening the multilateral order, rather than discarding its value.

When Pluto ingressed into Capricorn in 2008, banks were saved by the government –that is, saved by the population that pays taxes – foreshadowing  the  Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto stellium  in this sign and the events of today.

How can banks continue to be the concentrators of wealth to which more and more people are indebted and enslaved?

The endless accumulation of capital is not really endless and no matter how many rectifications and adjustments the system makes, it is no longer functioning. Today more and more people in the world are enduring hardships and living in an extremely precarious situation and the revolts are increasing. In addition to the unhappiness of the underprivileged, the current situation is also unsettling for the main capitalists – the billionaires and the corporations.

So they want to “RESET” it.

As Wallerstein put it during a lecture in Beijing, 2016:

“The question for them now is finding some alternative mechanism of maintaining their wealth, their power, their privilege. So we have a situation where no one wants the continuation of the system – for different kinds of reasons. The question before us is not “do we like the system or do we not like the system”, but what system should replace this system?”

The Transitional Phase

We find ourselves in a transition of systems, in a systemic crisis of the capitalist world-system, where it is falling apart and will, in fact, go out of existence. The transitional phase, according to Wallerstein, lasts about 60-80 years are and we would be in the middle of that.

At this point, however, the process is no longer so gradual, for the decade of the 2020s is, as the stars elucidate, the turning point in the change of the world-system. Of course there will be further developments of this change which will go beyond the decade, nevertheless, this decade is an absolutely epic moment in time.

The chaotic fluctuations which characterize the transitional phase intensify and can be seen in everything – in the economy, in geopolitics, in our everyday life experience. These chaotic, uncontrollable disturbances are quite frightening to people, for the situation is seriously risky, both at an individual level and at systemic levels. Dystopia emerges. Yet, a Renaissance beckons.

“Yes, we are in a crisis, it’s getting worst and it’s not going to get better until it is resolved in one way or the other, by tilting in one direction or the other of the bifurcation in which we find ourselves.” Wallerstein, 2016

Possibilities? Let us go into the astrological aspects. 


The Capricorn stellium (concentration of planets) had its peak in the month of March, 2020: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were in this sign with Mars, Pallas-Athena (asteroid of the polis and of geopolitics), South Lunar Node, and even the Moon on days 17 to 19. So what happened in March?

The stock market crash – short, but a dramatic historical crash, the fastest and most devastating since the Wall Street collapse in 1929; a historical oil price crash; the WHO declared the “COVID-19 pandemic”; and the “COVID-19 recession.”

From January (Saturn-Pluto conjunction) to March 2020 (intensified stellium) we experienced the end of the world as we knew it.

Right at the peak of the Capricorn stellium, China’s Jupiter return also occurred, the first of three exact hits (Mar 18, Jul 12, Nov 11).  This transit occurs every 12 years for a person or, in this case, a country. It signifies flowering and indicates a demanding year, which can be challenging but precisely because it calls for advancement or expansion. Some Jupiter Returns are even more significant than others. The 2020 one for China is a turbo, for it takes place in conjunction to Pluto – meaning expansion with power or expansion of power.

Digital Yuan

It is also in this context of the Capricorn stellium and China’s turbo Jupiter Return that something else comes up: the digital yuan. Ready on March 24, only yet to define its final regulation. Effective and publicly announced in April, being tested already in four cities. Moreover, the digital yuan comes also with Saturns first ingress in Aquarius (Mar 21) – changing elements, from Earth to Air.

Eight centuries ago, a similar sky

Venetian Marco Polo (1254-1324), traveler of the Ancient Silk Roads, when back in Europe after many years in China, brings the news from the East and describes the use of paper money throughout Kublai Khan’s Yuan Dynasty:

“…these pieces of paper… everybody takes them readily, for wheresoever a person may go throughout the Great Khan’s dominions he shall find these pieces of paper current, and shall be able to transact all sales and purchases of goods by means of them just as well as if they were coins of pure gold. And all the while they are so light that ten bezants’ [coins] worth does not weigh one golden bezant.”

That took place in a period when both the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn and their soon to come ingress to Aquarius was happening. Eight centuries ago, a similar sky: from Capricorn to Aquarius, from matter into air. Sublimed money! Then into paper, now into digital.

And when the final hit of China’s Jupiter Return was approaching, which was during the final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in the heavens as well, we hear more news on the digital yuan: “Yi Gang, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said a pilot program on the rollout of a digital currency in four cities has been smooth. There have been more than 4 million transactions, totalling over 2 billion yuan ($299 million) in the digital currency so far, Yi said at the Hong Kong Fintech Week conference on Monday.” (Bloomberg on November 1, 2020).

Jupiter rules prosperity. For a Jupiter Return to take place in exact conjunction to Pluto, it also speaks of powerful prosperity, and the expansion of power.

The emergence of a strong currency

In 1284, La Serenissima Republic of Venice began issuing the Ducat in gold – against the Florin, from its rival Florence; and in response to the devaluation of the Byzantine Hyperpyron, which until then was used to pay for goods from the East that the Venetians brought to Europe. A new coin emerged – containing 3.5 grams of 99% fine gold, of the highest purity that the medieval metallurgy could produce – and became the standard European coin for the next centuries, being imitated by other states.

Same period, same story, the ducat came with a Capricorn stellium: credibility and durability. With that same configuration, the additional blessing of geopolitics goddess Pallas (right in the conjunction), and Saturn crossing into Aquarius, comes the digital yuan.

Geopolitical Structures

A couple of summits happening recently are noteworthy, since they occur within the third out of three hits of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (specifically a geopolitical classic – in mythology, Zeus and Hades were brothers and got each their kingdom – in the sign of structures). One was an annual assembly, no big deal, but indeed marking its significance by being ‘inside’ the aspect. The other had as its central outcome an important advancement in economic relations, being quite symbolic of the changes taking place. Mind you that the G20 summit, which was held on Nov 21, did not hop into to the Jupiter-Pluto train within the 1º orb (partile, more significant), for its doors were open only from Nov 5 to 19 (exact on 12). Let us see the ones sharply within the aspect:

1) SCO Annual Assembly – November 10, chaired by Russia. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is an Eurasian political, economic and security alliance.

2) 37th ASEAN Summit – November 12-15, chaired by Vietnam. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ meeting brought about the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) signed and sealed on Nov 15: a free trade agreement between 15 countries of Asia and Oceania, representing nearly a third of the world’s population and a third of the world’s GDP, the largest trade agreement in the world. It does not include the USA. It is a key agreement towards a multipolar world not subjected to United States’ impositions.

On that note, we head to the Great Mutation. The Capricorn stellium ends as both Jupiter and Saturn change signs in December 2020, to perfect their conjunction on the first degree of Aquarius.


The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0º Aquarius in December 2020 marks what we call in astrology Great Mutation, indicating important socioeconomic changes when it marks the passage from one element to another – as now from Earth to Air.

This conjunction occurs in the same element for about 200 years, with possibly 40 extra years as a transitional phase. When their conjunction starts to happen effectively in the next element, we call it a Great Mutation.

We come from a two-century period of conjunctions in Earth signs. The emphasis has been on matter and the more tangible dimension of life, where so many new objects were made! The use and distribution of them, however, might not have been, in many cases, as prodigious. We have been living in a material – and quite materialistic – world. As we now move on into the element of Air, with the sign of Aquarius, a call for sublimation takes place.

All that is solid mutates into Air. Things and procedures can be less material and more digital and, to some extent, virtual. But not only that. Shared ideas and ideals gain yet more importance. More then what we materially have, with whom and what for is what matters most. Collaboration and cooperation are now, more than ever, the winds which make the world go around.

Great Mutation AND Great Conjunction

The significance of this astrological aspect happening on December 21, at 18h20 UTC, is further enhanced by the fact that it is also a Great Conjunction, the astronomical event when the two farthest visible planets conjoin, not merely by longitude, but also by latitude (ecliptic coordinates), by both right ascension and declination (equatorial coordinates). That means they are not just aligned in the same direction but really – visually – very close to each other in the sky as seen from Earth. Last time the two heavenly bodies have been that close was in 1623, but that was not a GM, just a regular conjunction in terms of ecliptic longitude. Astrologically, all these enhancements happening together intensify how significant a conjunction this one is.

In AIR: Shared ideas and ideals become more important. Collaboration and cooperation are now, more than ever, what makes the world go around. The Air element is where we open the space and make room for the other.

At a more personal level, we tend to lose interest in social contexts which are not in tune with our ideas and ideals, and we’re pulled towards groups, associations and projects in the same wavelength as we are. And it is not a time to merely rely on institutions per se to take care of people, but a time to discern for oneself and then connect with others with shared interests, ideals, purposes.

Opening the space for the other means respect for differences, and  collaboration and cooperation towards shared interests and projects. Co-op’s, where every participant gets a fair, proportional share, in a joint enterprise, is surely a way to go.

In everyday life, it also speaks of an increase in technological development, digitalization of things and procedures.

In AQUARIUS, which is opposite to Leo: It is not the time for a single star to rule the world, but of MANY STARS illuminating an entire sky.

Geopolitically, it is not the time for a hegemonic single empire. There can be empires, if in plural. The strength of powerful nations now lies, also, in the quality of their partnerships and alliances in mutual respect, as equals.

The Great Mutation’s Astrocartography

Regarding the GM’s astrocartographic map, which shows the lines of planetary positions on the face of the Earth, it is interesting to notice that the IC (root of the astrological chart) lines of Jupiter and Saturn go through Beijing, indicating the relevance of China in the foundation of this 200-year cycle. On the other side of the globe, we see the MC (peak of the astrological chart – that which is to be attain) lines of the two planets going through South America (Venezuela, Brazil, the Amazon, Bolivia, Argentina), showing the value of the continent’s resources in this new cycle.

In the case of China, there are some impressive astrological connections to the Great Mutation.

China and the Great Mutation

Aquarius is highlighted in China’s astrological chart by the Ascendant and the Moon at the beginning of the sign, in conjunction to the Great Mutation degree. Not only is China’s natal chart marked by the Great Mutation on its Ascendant and pretty close to its Moon, but the moment in time for the people’s Republic indicated by its Direction and Progression (techniques which allow for comprehending cyclical moments) highlights these same points as well.  China’s Directed Venus is now on the degree of the Great Mutation, 0º Aquarius, applying to conjunct its Ascendant. China’s Progressed Venus and Jupiter are travelling right there too, Jupiter between AC and Moon, and Venus still conjuncting the Moon.  This is really a confluence of points from various layers bringing China an rather outstanding moment in time, which resembles a inaugurating, a powerful new cycle which is just beginning.

In tune with the Jupiter-Saturn at 0º Aquarius cycle we now approach, China has a projected and planned economy:

  • 5-year plan – Made in China 2025;
  • 15-year plan – 2035;
  • having the year of 2049 on the horizon, the Chinese Dream: The modernization goal is for the country to become a fully developed nation by 2049, the year of the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic.

A great social project (Aquarius) to be able to sustain life and meet the needs of the people, which is building impressive infrastructure – its high speed railways, outstanding bridges, and captivating libraries and bookstores are examples of this development.

Additionally, soon will come Pluto in Aquarius, starting in 2023, conjuncting China’s AC – also called Rising – in 2024-2025, to be already fully into China’s first house (of identity) by 2026. This means China’s rise in power. With greater power, comes greater danger.

Nonetheless, if on the one hand there is powerful but dangerous Pluto; on the other hand, there is Jupiter by transit (GM) and Progression, and Venus by Progression and Direction, with both these two benefics (as they are known) having fairly recently conjuncted by Progression exactly on China’s Rising. This combination of the benefics  on the AC and the Moon can be considered to be, if we may use a Chinese astrology concept, a Mantle of Flowers – which brings blessings and helps defend.

Pluto will conjunct the Chinese AC (Ascendant, Rising) five times, throughout 2024 and 2025; and three times the Chinese Moon, in 2025 and 2026, in the same years the Progressed Jupiter also conjoins the country’s Moon – again: danger and, at the same time, blessings and defence.

It is a period of great danger, not to be overlooked. But the heavens also send assistance.

Furthermore, this Aquarian configuration highlights the importance of  friendships (Aquarius) and strategic (Jupiter) partnerships (Venus).

Interestingly, 2026 is the year of the Saturn-Neptune at 0º Aries. We will look into the specifics of our third major aspect later. But I will already mention the presence of Saturn-Neptune aspects in a combination of events, as they intertwine with what we now address.

Friendship and Multipolarity

China’s Progressed Venus and Jupiter were in exact conjunction with each other and on China’s Ascendant in 2015, when both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin delivered long, strong and synchronized speeches at the 70th UN Assembly, affirming the multipolarity of the world, evidencing the Russia-China strategic partnership and its stance for the respect of sovereignty and MULTIPOLARITY.

There was a square between Saturn-Neptune happening at that time.

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

China’s Directed Jupiter was at 0º of Aquarius, the degree of the Great Mutation, and already in conjunction to China’s AC, when President Xi Jinping delivered a speech entitled Promoting Friendship between Peoples and Creating a Better Future at Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev University, in which he first revealed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI – formerly One Belt One Road) – on September 7, 2013. Additionally, Saturn and Neptune were in a 5º orb trine at the time.

Recalling the Ancient Silk Road, Xi Jinping noted that:

“The 2,000-plus-year history of exchanges had proved that countries with differences in race, belief and cultural background can absolutely share peace and development as long as they persist in unity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefit, mutual tolerance and learning from each other, as well as cooperation and win-win outcomes.”

Xi underscored that over the recent 20-plus years, the ancient Silk Road is becoming full of new vitality with the rapid development of China’s relations with Asian and European countries:

“We hope to work with Central Asian countries to unceasingly enhance mutual trust, to consolidate friendship, to strengthen cooperation, so as to push forward the common development and prosperity, and work for the happiness and well-being of the people in the regional countries.”

Upholding friendship from generation to generation, as harmonious good neighbors for each other.

President Xi Jinping’s Proposal: “A community for shared future for mankind.”

Eurasian Integration

When, some years before that, Vladimir Putin gave his historical speech in Munich, proposing the Eurasian Integration, on February 10, 2007, there was a sharp Saturn-Neptune aspect, an opposition.

Initially an invitation for integrating “from Lisbon to Vladivostok”, it has not being embraced by European counterparts so far.  Nonetheless, Eurasian Integration is an effective project being developed within the domains of Eurasian Economic Union.

The EURASIAN INTEGRATION proposed by Vladimir Putin in 2007 goes in the same direction as the BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE brought by Xi Jinping in 2013 – both aiming to facilitate trade and relations between peoples.

Vladimir Putin in Munich, 2007; Xi Jinping in Astana, 2013.

The Multipolar World

On the Importance of Russia

Although this work emphasizes China’s remarkable connection to the The Great Mutation, it is important to register the importance of Russia. The Aquarius emphasis on the first degrees of this sign, does reverberate in the synastry of Russia and China. If we are to consider the Russian Federation’s chart related to Russia’s Day, the day the nation celebrates its existence, it has the same Moon position as China’s. Both countries have their Moons at the beginning of Aquarius in conjunction to each other – friendship (Aquarius) between peoples (Moon). As presented above, we see moments of conversion, where connections to the different major aspects combine. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction is connected to both China’s and Russia’s history. Moreover, both leaders, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, also happen to have this conjunction if their astrological charts. That is to say, both these nations are essential in this great transition.

Whilst an empire collapses – not without a fight, or multiple wars – and another empire rises in power , we are more in tune with the Aquarian times having more than just one or two powers. Neither unipolarity, nor bipolarity. It is time for “friendship between people” and real “fraternity between nations.” There can be “empires”, if plural. A Multipolar World.

Millenary Civilizations

Civilized international relations can be observed in the partnerships and alliances we see emerging and being nourished in the East. Millenary civilizations such as the Persians, the Rus, the Han and other Chinese ethnicities, having such long collective history, are aware of the importance of mutual respect. Countries such as Iran, Russia and China treat each other as equals, trade in a win-win perspective and become allies in defending each nation’s right to sovereignty.

Winds are blowing from the East

Those who challenge the empire, must be demonized. Therefore, the censorship in the western main stream media intensifies more and more, and the news are often distorted when referring to countries such as Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia, North Korea, Russia and, the flavor of the month, China.

Are Eastern countries perfect in every sense?  No.  And neither is the current empire or any Western country, or any country.  Nonetheless, the former nations present a certain coherence in regards to their words and commitments and their deeds, be it in relation to other nations or to their own. That coherence is not so easily found in Western leaders nowadays.  Arguably, a more decent and civilized treatment of each other and of the world can be witnessed on the part of Eastern powers.

Often remembered for the food and goods traded along the route, the Silk Roads involved in the past and involve nowadays the exchange of ideas.

The next Saturn-Neptune aspect will be the conjunction, in February 2026, inaugurating a brand new cycle and we can expect it to be related to these previous movements, keeping in mind the cycle points towards multipolarity.

On Technological Advancements

Pluto in Aquarius Transit (2023-2044)

In 2023 and 2024, Pluto will be entering Aquarius, further emphasising this astrological sign and its themes, adding: the power of cooperation.

It is interesting to note the interpretation given by Solar Fire astrology software to Pluto in Aquarius: “This is the generation of world cooperation. People in this generation have the ability to make scientific breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity, and may be forced to change the way science is viewed.”

Notwithstanding, the nefarious potential of the Aquarian emphasis is the control of society through technology.

Uranus in Taurus as the GM’s Dispositor

Importantly, the Great Mutation has Uranus in Taurus as its dispositor, which is the astrological term for the host, ‘the ruler of the sign where’ another planet is or, in this case, where a conjunction takes place. The dispositor, thus, adds his touch to the quality of the astrological event. He happens to be in Taurus and, remarkably, in partile (exact) conjunction to Black Moon Lilith (the lunar apogee) at the time of the Great Mutation. Moreover, they both form a square with Jupiter and Saturn, stamping their significance.

Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026): Changes in the way we conceive matter and material things. Detachment from matter. Sublimation of Matter (solid into gas). Crypto currencies gained a boost with Uranus in Taurus. The digitalization of money which has been previously addressed here, also relates to Uranus (technology) in Taurus (money). Automation. Technological advancements which are materialized. Technology altering matter. Technology Vs. Organicity.

…with Black Moon Lilith (at the time of the GM): The Organic having to deal with the Technological. But the Technological also having to deal with the Organic. There is no way to prevent technological advancements; but neither should technological advances disregard the organic dimension of life. Although much is increasingly digital and virtual, our life here on Earth does not do without the body.

We will advance a lot technologically, but there is an organic dimension that cannot be ignored. The Real cannot be ignored. That’s what Black Moon Lilith tells us by being exactly in conjunction with Uranus, the dispositor of the Great Mutation, right there at the very moment of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

We are not just digital. And we are not  just ‘a’ digital – not a mere “Digital Identity”.

Our BODIES better now be bodies of Desire, in the psychoanalytic sense, as in, bodies filled with life force, with libido. The creative force of life needs to be, more then ever, anchored in our bodies, for they are not to be mere objectified pieces of flash, managed through and by technology.

Great Reset or Great Mutation?

The World Economic Forum scheduled their “Great Reset” event for January 2021, just a month after the Great Mutation. This is does not seem to be a mere coincidence.  JP Morgan has famously stated that millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.

Right when a powerful moment of this great transition is taking place, the billionaires gang tries to ride the wave – only intending to distort it and make it a reset of the same system reloaded, as a cyborg on steroids.

The “Great Reset” project has its website and a book, written by its front man and WEF founder Karl Schwab and French author Thierry Malleret: “Covid-19: The Great Reset”. Schwab advocates Covid-19 is a “window of opportunity”to reset the system and avoid troubles such as conflicts and revolutions. He is particularly attentive to how technological advancements should contribute to that. The Great Reset says “you will own nothing and be happy.” Although not specifying clearly its practical steps, the project is aimed at all dimensions of life, and intents to install total system control over people, at global, social and individual levels.

Trying to steal the New Silk Roads thunder, which proposes a community of common destiny, the Great Reset proposes a “community of shares interests”- but the aims are, in essence, drastically opposite. Whilst one tries a great reset, the other is to flourish with the great mutation of the system.

The USA’s Pluto Return (2022)

Whilst still transiting in Capricorn, after 246 years, Pluto will return to his original position in the USA’s astrological chart, hence the Pluto Return. This will take place in 2022, through out the whole year, reverberating further, due to the weight of this event.

It is a cycle in regards to power, as well as karma. How the issue of power has been dealt with, now brings its return. This transits marks the collapse of the US empire as such. Not all will take place just in 2022, but that will be, undoubtedly, a year which marks the downfall of the US as the hegemon of the world.

The abuses perpetrated by the United States around the globe can no longer continue. The time has come for both its leaders and the country as whole to face it, as the destruction caused to other nations is now, more and more, felt also inside the country. The collapse of the US empire does not mean the collapse of the North American nation in itself, but is a serious call for transformation.


Another immensely significant aspect in the 2020s is the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, in February 2026, at 0º Aries.

These two planets conjunct every 36 years, which is a relatively pretty short historical cycle. However, as with the Great Mutation, the way it occurs and where in occurs in the Zodiac can lead us to broader historical perspectives and indicate more expressive historical moments.

This specific conjunction, which perfects in February 2026, takes place on the very first degree of the zodiac, 0º Aries, also known as the Vernal Point, marking the change of seasons, at the very beginning of the zodiac. This point also has a co-relation to the Ascendent point, meaning birth. Therefore, this is unmistakably a significant conjunction.

Furthermore, it happens to be immensely rare. I researched 10.200 years, checking the Saturn-Neptune cycle and their conjunctions in Aries, to see the proximities to this distinguished degree. If we go back up to 7,000 years ago, this conjunction has occurred at the Vernal Point only in 4361 B.C. and 1742 B.C. If we look up to three thousand years ahead, the closest it gets to the Vernal Point is 3º of Aries in 3172.

All Saturn and Neptune conjunctions occurring in the sign of Aires in this period of 10.200 years.

So this conjunction at the first degree of the Zodiac, 0º of Aries – the very beginning – is, undoubtedly, highly significant.

Neptune impregnates and conceives; Saturn refers to the concrete structure of reality; and 0ºAries means new, emerging. Saturn-Neptune at 0º Aries means a new conception of reality.

Aspects between Saturn and Neptune, by historical observation, are associated with socialism and communism – these movements on Earth coincide with the contacts between these two planets in the sky. It is already a known fact in mundane astrology that it has been so.

Moreover, this does not just tell us about the past, for it  speaks of something about to begin – upgrading and advancing, reconfiguring itself into yet new forms of socialism.

It’s time for Socialism. New forms.

According to Professor of Economic Sciences at UERJ, Elias Jabbour (2020):

“The Projectment Economy, conceived by Brazilian scholar Ignácio Rangel in 1959 [Saturn-Neptune sextile, note mine], is reborn in China as the most advanced face of contemporary socialism.”

Projecting is an Aquarian verb. China is a projected and planned economy, in short, medium and long terms. A social project (Aquarius) to sustain life and meet the needs of the people.

To meet the needs of the people, cooperation is necessary. At local and national levels, as well as between nations and peoples. Both the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Integration are calls in this direction. The winds of the new world-system are blowing from the East.

Dujiangyan Zhongshuge bookstore in Chengdu, China.

At the Turning Point

As Wallerstein observes, from the bifurcation of the system at its ending, it can tilt to one of either directions, or to multiple systems. The nefarious potential of the Aquarian emphasis is the control of society through technology, be it techno-feudalism or, gods forbid, techno-slavery. On the brighter side of the Force, Aquarius is about a social project to sustain life and meet the needs of the people. Both dimensions or systems might co-exist on Earth for a while, in times of Dystopia and Renaissance.

Western powers seem to have a long way to go before reaching a state of real and respectful cooperation. Perhaps more ancient civilizations have a deeper, more consistent root from which to draw the wisdom and maturity necessary in such challenging times for humanity. It seems that the deeper roots of aboriginal/indigenous wisdom still need to be more fully acknowledged and reintegrated before the reinvention of the world in the West.

Winds blow from the East and from Eurasia, inspiring new forms of co-existence. But the controllers of capital, wealth and worldly power won’t give it up without a fight – or a few wars and a heavy load of social control via technology to capture bodies and minds. Is there a way out?

Yes. And it seems to go along the New Silk Roads – literally, but also symbolically. The West can gain a lot from opening up to the Eastern winds, the news and the ideas they bring, rumours of a community of shared future for mankind.

In 2026, an auspicious configuration of a trine and two sextiles is formed by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – the three generational planets, which speak of greater cycles. That takes place as Saturn and Neptune meet on the very first degree of the zodiac. A new conception of reality is born.

It can’t be done alone. Many little stars are needed to illuminate the whole vast sky. There may be empires… in plural.

China has an inevitable prominence, marked in the Mandates of Heaven. But it is not alone as a protagonist in this great change. Russia is also ancestrally connected to this historical moment in time, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction.

Furthermore, both these countries partnerships with fellow sovereign Iran are significant – as are all those joining forces in real cooperation, mutual respect, and aiming for friendship between peoples.

Even with challenges, Eurasia does present this possibility, and has been aiming in this direction, for a multipolar world.

We are dancing at the very turning point of the world-system.