Pluto Changes Gears in Aspect with Mars – Again

May 1, 2024

When did we last see this?
Early October 2023.

What now?
The difference now is that instead of Direct motion, Pluto goes into Retrograde on May 2, 2024. And the Mars aspect is not the harsh square, but a more fluent sextile.

Nonetheless, there is a square to Pluto formed by Venus, lady of finance and economics – articulating the reverberations of military power struggles and the financial-monetary-economic sphere.

Moreover, although the sextile is a mild aspect than the square, Mars is now domiciled in his upfront-warrior sign of Aries.

Instead of a ‘oh-we-are-just-respondinding-to save-the-only-democracy-in-the-middle-east’ hypocritical approach to the harshly destructive aspect (see my Oct 2023 video), we now see an upfront ‘we-want-to-take-it-who-cares’ move.

Rafah is in severe danger. Too many harsh aspects activating the Israeli chart, combined with other aspects that indicate an enhanced sense of “being allowed to”.

At this time, the nasty Virgo Black Moon and Jupiter favour Israel’s Sun – protected by the Jupiterian empire and certain financial interests. The detail is: Uranus approaches Israel’s Sun, too. That means change in rulership will come along next.

As Uranus, at the same time, squares the Israeli Black Moon, very unstable and uncomfortable year ahead for any Israeli leadership, no matter who’s in charge. Hectic time.

Why remove Netanyahu ahead of a yet even more genocidal kill? It can then all be blamed on him – “Netanyahu bad, perverse Zionist regime good”.

Let him be blamed for some more horror, than try and sell a “moderate” Zionist regime of sorts.

The thing is, it just won’t do.

The tides are turning – it’s retro time for lord Pluto.

The more destruction Israel indulges in, the more severely it dooms itself.

The regime won’t survive and we know it. But its destructive drive is still aiming for more.

Other regions feel Pluto’s intensifying moment, of course – one being Georgia. What will it be: nightmare or dream for a consistently better reality?

On the brighter side of the force, for those standing their own ground, in actual legitimate action: advancements in courage and martial power.

Salutations to workers, comrades, and the brave warriors on all fronts turning the tides, bringing about a fairer, multipolar world.


 First published on Telegram – @GeopoliticalAstrology

Photo: The Nasty Zion Nest [title mine]