Subversive Martial Artistry Time

Black Moon Lilith transits in the sign if Aries from January 27 to October 21, 2020 (mean and main node), reverberating its nuance since September 18, 2020 until April 7, 2021 (oscillating and additional node).

By Vanessa Guazzelli

Here she is. The Goddess of Emptiness and Visceral Drives, ruler of the undercurrent, the backdrop behind words and images in our collective, transits now in Aries, the first sign, and the sign of the first. Black Moon Lilith in Aries is about igniting, pioneering, originating, setting in motion, from a deeper, visceral level.

Michael Jackson

Dressed in red, face-painted in originality and courage, Joker is out there, ready for action. He’s bathed in negative dialectics though, for he knows his actions now must not be those of a naive, careless Aries. He knows the current Capricorn stellium times are tough and hit hard, so his mode of combat must – more than ever – be that of a ninja. It is a time to move, dance and respond as present and sharp as Bruce Lee, Michael Jackson and Maria Zakharova.

Maria Zakharova – Spokeswoman of Ministry of Foreign Affairs RU

Let us look into BML’s prospects for 2020, for sharper senses and fine-tuned actions – actions through the fog, as the current BML in Aries ingress happened with its new dispositor, warrior Mars, in an exact square to Neptune, its former dispositor and lord of deceiving veils. This peculiarity, as I already mentioned in the Joker’s Dance article, indicates how intertwined both periods of BML in Pisces and in Aries are – something to keep in mind.

Additionally, the mentioned Mars and Neptune square at 16º Sagittarius-Pisces sharply relates, in some way, to BML’s conjunction to Neptune in Sept/Oct, 2019 on this very degree, 16º of Pisces. In that same period, Jupiter squared Neptune from 16º of Sagittarius, just as Mars is doing now:

Sep/Oct, 2019 – BML conjuncts Neptune at 16º45 Pisces (exact on Sept 30); Jupiter squares it at 16º59 Sagittarius (exact on Sept/21).

Jan 27, 2020 – BML goes out of Pisces and ingresses in Aries, whilst both the rulers of Pisces and Aries – there for her former dispositor and her new dispositor – namely Neptune and Mars, are in a partile square (exact at 16º57 on Jan 28), a tense aspect which speaks of a warrior having to deal with fog or veils, at the risk of having his will and power dissolved or misguided, challenged to move not just as fire, but also as water, in ninja dialectics.

Before advancing into the specific highlight moments of this transit, which reverberates until April 2021, let’s first dare enter into what the astrological position of Black Moon Lilith in Aries in itself means, learning from those with this natal position.

Recapping Black Moon Lilith

The Black Moon is a virtual astrological point, which represents the lunar apogee: the point in the Moon’s elliptical orbit around the Earth at which it is furthest away from the Earth. It is right there that the pull of gravity shows its force, bringing the Moon back towards the Earth to continue its orbit. So here we recognize the first basic concept related to Black Moon Lilith: gravity. Its mean node (main position) takes approximately 9 years to go around the whole Zodiac, staying in each sign for 9 months, which brings a another reference: gestation. BML refers to gravity, gestation, materialization, bringing down to Earth, materializing the body.

It accounts for the deep, visceral, crude sensations. Rather than words and images, the reference is to sensations –  such as warmth-coldness, presence-absence, and comfort-discomfort. It is not only irrational, but blind. BML indicates the experience itself, previous to its elaboration in images and words. It is indicative of both difficulty and/or a visceral talent. It is about our most visceral level and our most basic survival instinct or drive, and contains the potential for the terrifying or the sublime.       

In collective transits, BML speaks of the tone or of what moves the collective deep down inside, indicating the instinctive undercurrent of a particular period. It concerns what is moving the collective at the visceral level, which we may not be so elaborately aware of, but are sure experiencing or sensing. 

Pina (film) – dance, dance, otherwise we are lost

Goddess of Visceral Drives in Cardinal Fire – Aries

In Cardinal signs, Black Moon Lilith emphasizes the rawness of experience, the Real dimension of existence.

In Fire signs, BML will indicate the tendency for either a certain lack of self-affirmation, or a compensating excess of it. There is a lack of self and ignition, which can then be compensated in an excess of fire and affirmation, generating some sort of violence – either to others, or to oneself.

Aries is the first sign, that of emerging, coming into life, existing! The birth, the beginning, getting started, and starting it off, initiating.

When BML is in Aries on a natal chart, it indicates an initial record of not being able to ignite or to stand for and defend oneself. The lack of affirmative aggressiveness can then be compensated as a sudden emergence of instinctual self-defense and come out as violence – as mere reaction. The aggression could be self-inflicted or directed to others – or even from others, as a result from the lack of self-affirmation and self-defense.

Nonetheless, as a wise martial arts master from the forest has taught me – and as we in fact learn with BML – “difficulty is the same size as ease”, for great challenges make outstanding talents.

Bruce Lee

Once the instinctual drive is properly anchored and integrated in the body, having a way in which to flow, it becomes a visceral talent to move and respond sharp and present, right on the instant – just as Bruce Lee, blind-folded, igniting matches in the air.

Bruce Lee only began practicing martial arts at the age of 13 years old, right after nearly being bashed to death, in Hong Kong, by a street gang he had provoked. He dared to take a righteous stand in a situation, but did not have the means to defend himself once a whole unpleased gang came for him. Luckily, someone he knew passed by in a car and rescued him just in time. But that really got to him. He needed to be able to defend himself physically. That’s when he went to a teacher and began his studies and practice, eventually becoming the unbeatable martial artist and master, with skills simply out of this world.

Aries BML natives present some of the the quickest and keenest reflexes.

Since BML alludes to the cellular memory of the mother’s experience during pregnancy, there could have been at that level either a more personal situation or a social context – all born during that 9-month period have the same BML – concerning conflicts, aggression, matters of attack-defense, self-affirmation, independence, pioneering and the need to be brave and thrive. Hence, the person’s instincts are highly sensitive to such matters, being viscerally driven not to be taken off-guarded, but presently ready to respond, being acute and effective.

Remember here, we are not talking about a rational disposition, but a bodily one, at a more instinctual level – the very drive experienced in the body. Courage shows forth in times of need, even from the most unexpected personalities. Feminine and delicate ladies with Black Moon Lilith in Aries will turn into the most fierce warriors when the going gets tough.

Raquel Welch

You don’t want to be nailed by Michelle Pfeiffer’s claws when she goes catwoman. Sounds cute, I know, but the visceral self-defense drive might make you bleed. Just be sure not to attack or harm her. Or Raquel Welch, or Anouk Aimee, or Monica Vitti, or Anna Karina.

Anna Karina in Pierrot Le Fou

Make sure you respect them – their existence, their physical integrity, their dignity and their uniqueness, in their own right. These are very unique people, of the one and only kind.


With BML in Aries we find a visceral need to be free to move and simply be, to exist in one’s originality, with an impulse to rise and be the first at something, a powerful pioneering edge. This drive to move ahead and pioneer can be easily seen, for instance, in Albert Einstein’s work.

Pamela Anderson, the Canadian who could be perceived as just an iconic “Barbie doll” of US culture, actually came forth bravely defending Julian Assange like only few have done so far.

“Being and Nothingness” was written by French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, also engaged in fighting the Nazis and resisting German occupation.

Truffaut used his visceral fire in Fahrenheit 451, where a fireman stopped burning books as he lit his own fire and just beat it!

Anna Karina’s first film was Le Petit Soldat, which denounced torture in France’s war in Algeria, with plenty of guns and violent scenes.

From another BML in Aries aspect, the way she and Jean-Luc Godard got together is actually also quite interesting: the visceral freedom emanated from the body. There’s this sense of physical freedom which pulsates in an Aries BML’s body, as a somewhat untamable force. It can be scary, or highly attractive.

Godard’s first approach was to invite her to play a small part in his film Breathless, where she was supposed to be nude. He had seen her in a soap commercial, in a bathtub, supposedly naked under the foam. She said NO. She was not willing to do that – under that foam in the add, she was actually in a bathing suit, mister – she told him. Simply, no. That was not the way, not the kind of approach she deserved and was interested in. He felt attracted, but did not respect her. Well, the guts of a BML in Aries won’t take that. He then, later, rephrased his invitation, this time for the leading role, no nude implied, with all due respect. She said yes. Whilst shooting Le Petit Soldat, they actually fell in love and got together.

No better fighter to have by your side in the trenches, if respected. Partners in crime style is a visceral quality which can be found in some BML in Aries natives. Perhaps that is what got Faye Dunaway, another BML in Aries, into playing  Bonnie Parker (not a BML in Aries herself, for the record).

Abby Martin is a brave journalist, who has recently released Gaza Fights for Freedom.

Documentary by Abby Martin (2019)

Piaget believed that children take an active role in the learning process, acting much like little scientists as they perform experiments, make observations, and learn about the world through action.

Action will be an issue in 2020, an impatient drive facing significant resistance, as BML squares the Capricorn mafia, and has to deal with those Neptunian veils, marked by the anesthetic Mars-Neptune square of its ingress – a bit like a sleeping pill put in the warrior’s energy drink. There’s complexity to movement, demanding ninja expertise. It’s subversive martial artistry time.

Black Moon Lilith in Aries Natives:

Anna Karina, Anouk Aimée, Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Bruce Lee, People’s Republic of China, Vladimir Lenin, Monica Vitti, Faye Dunaway, Osho, Pamela Anderson, Abby Martin, Anibal Troilo, Anna Wintour, Raquel Welch, Pedro Almodóvar, Maria Zakharova, Jean Piaget, Pina Bausch, Michelle Pfeiffer, François Truffaut, Madonna, Jean-Paul Sartre, Queen Elizabeth I, Prince, and I.

BML in Aries tips by natives, as recommendations for 2020

Whatever the challenges, both Bruce Lee and Sartre remind us “defeat is in the mind, no one is defeated until defeat is accepted as reality,” and “a lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.”

For times of Capricorn stellium, Bruce also points out that “maturity is the development from environmental support to self-support. It is not what happens. It is your reaction to what happens that matters.”

Jean-Paul warns: “It isn’t freedom from! It’s freedom to.”

Freedom to be, Zen-sticks Osho. “Be — don’t try to become.”

One of the girls jumps in, as BML in Aires chicks are not at all intimidated by a male dominated scene: “What helps me go forward is that I stay receptive, I feel that anything can happen”, says Anouk Aimée.

They all seem to agree life begins where fear ends.

Visceral BML in Aries talents include bringing forth other people’s uniqueness too, and they all agree with Osho on this:

“You have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization… You will have to create the path by walking yourself.”

“Courage Is a Love Affair with the Unknown.”

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”

Art and martial arts are saviors.

Cutting sharply through the veils, we must advance – moving along with life and the life force in us, present in our bodies, not merely reacting to fear, but responding with courage and creativity. This the call of Black Moon Lilith in Aries in 2020.


Transit Highlights

This is the BML transit of a major turning point in time, as it covers 9 months of a especially strong year, being the visceral backdrop to the Capricorn stellium. So BML in Aries highlights for 2020 are:

January 27, 2020 – BML Aries Ingress

February, 2020 – BML conjunct Quiron

February/March, 2020 – BML-Quiron square Mars-Lunar Nodes, between 1º and 5º of Aries and Capricorn and Cancer, from Feb 15 to Mar 22, a strongly karmic period, when all these astrological connections are active, although with specific intensified exact dates, as follows:

Visceral BML conjuncts wounded healer Quiron, which speaks of body/health issues and trauma, causing, triggering or healing – encompassing this whole period, exact aspect on Mar 3. The new coronavirus is possibly related to that aspect in some way.

Mars, current dispositor of BML in Aries, ingresses in Capricorn and squares her, at the same time conjunction the South Lunar Node, the karmic and atavic root of things, can also signify the disappearance (South Node) of strength (Mars). Exact on Feb 24.

The dispositor (trigger) of BML (the Real) conjunct SN (past) in a square to her: the friction which precipitates the return of things past in the Real, the rawer dimension of human experience. Exact aspect on Feb 24.

On Mar 8 is when the visceral and the karmic meet, BML square Lunar Nodes.

Mars moves on more quickly, but BML is still within a very close orbe (1º) to them when Quiron, the wounded healer, and the Lunar Nodes, the threads of destiny, square (tension, friction), the exact aspect being on Mar 11.

March, 2020 – end of March the Capricorn Stellium reaches its peak with Mars right in the middles of it, bringing BML’s extra spicy to it.

Sun-BML conjunction, exact on Mar 26.

June, 2020 – China’s Black Moon Lilith Return, on June 16.

End of June, Mars squares the Lunar Nodes, exact on the 26.

July/August/September/October, 2020 – Mars-BML conjunction square Jupiter-Pluto: during these months Mars not only joins BML in Aries, but goes into retrograde motion, conjuncting her, as they both square Pluto and Jupiter. The strongest moment of such a combo is in August. Mars will be retro until mid November.

Exacts BML aspects in this period:

Conjunct Mars – Aug 9 and Sep 23.

Square Pluto – Aug 19.

Square Jupiter – Jul 28.

Oct 21, 2020 – BML (mean node) leaves Aries, moves into Taurus.

April 7, 2021 – BML (oscillating node) leaves Aries for good. This is a sub-undertone, a reverberation around the main period of BML (mean node).


By Vanessa Guazzelli