August 19, 2023

The Black Moon-Neptune Spell Trilogy – Episode One, part 1

On September 15, 1935, the hakencross (swastika) became the only national flag of Germany. It had already an official status, as one of the countries’ two banners. But it was in 1935 that the most well-known symbol of Nazism became the only official flag of Nazi Germany.

On the same day, the Nuremberg Race Laws were implemented, institutionalising racism and setting the precedent for other Nazi laws that followed. Those first ones were two: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which banned future intermarriages and sexual relations between Jews and people of German or related blood.

Initially focused on Jews, it was later clarified by the Nazi German government that the race laws also applied to Roma and black people, as well as to their descendants, for they could not be full citizens of Germany, nor were they allowed to marry or have sexual relations with Germans or people of “German related blood”.

So at that moment in time, when Nazism officially fully took over and became the German nation itself, affirming its emblem and the rules it represented, the Black Moon was in conjunction to Neptune in the sign of Virgo.

Strikingly, amongst the astrological charts of the countries which voted not to condemn the glorification of nazism – that is, amongst those who voted for allowing nazism to be glorified – the presence of the Black Moon-Neptune conjunction is noteworthy. Specifically in the charts of the two countries which have voted the most times not to condemn the glorification of nazism (that is, those in favour of allowing it), this particular conjunction is not only present but angular, which highlights its significance, as a dominating factor in the overall configuration. In the chart of another country which never voted for condemning nazism – only voting either against the resolution or abstaining – the conjunction of Black Moon and Neptune is also found.

Thus, we may ask: What is the relation between the Black Moon-Neptune conjunction and Nazism?

Let us comprehend this astrological configuration, observing its associated meanings, mainly the Black Moon-Neptune combination in itself, but also the specificity of its placement in the mutable sign of Virgo, as it occurred in 1935 and also happens to be found in two of the three national charts to which I just referred above.

We will then analyse the issue of “glorification of nazism”, carefully observing the UN resolution on combating such practice and all its voting results throughout the years. This will lead us into examining the intertwinements of history, as we follow the Black Moon-Neptune thread and see where it leads.

Due to its many layers down the rabbit hole, this study is unveiled accordingly, as The Black Moon-Neptune Spell Trilogy.

Come, Alice! We cannot delay this presentation any longer. Let’s get started.

The Astrological Meanings


Ruler of the Mutable Water sign of Pisces, Neptune is one of the generational planets and moves slowly through the zodiac – it takes him about 165 years to go around all the 12 signs, and his transit through a sign of the zodiac takes about 14 years, Hence, it is a generational planet, a whole generation has Neptune in the same sign – i.e. Neptune in Gemini – from 1887/1888 until 1901/1902.

Neptune is the great connector, signifier of synthesis and of the symbolic capacity, of our capacity to comprehend. Neptune can also signify fog, confusion, and deception. The lord of the vast waters of the sea, he can either be a blurred, intoxicated, distorted perception; or the fullest capacity for comprehension and sensibility – either illusion or true enchantment. He might represent deceit, lies, delusion, madness, and intoxication; or indicate sensibility, art, compassion devotion, and even divine glory.

Moreover, in all his complexity, Neptune is the all-encompassing signifier of humanity and of the human. In astrology, he is the very symbol of the Symbolic, which is the dimension where our constitution as human subjects takes place. The inscription of the symbolic dimension – of word, language, meaning – in our psyche is what structures us as subjects, as opposed to being mere objects.

The symbol for Neptune is the same trident-looking Greek letter Psi, also used as the symbol for the profession of psychology. Neptune, thus, symbolizes also our psyche.

Black Moon 

It is the most visceral point in an astrological chart, indicative of a substantial difficulty and/or a potent and visceral talent – always impactful. It refers to our most visceral level and our most basic survival instincts or drives. It contains the potential for the terrifying or the sublime, depending on what it is in service of: the death drive of compulsion and destruction, or the life drive of creativity and Desire (in psychoanalytical terms, as in what moves us forward, towards flourishing).

Black Moon Lilith – if we are to call her by the full name – is a virtual astrological point which represents the lunar apogee, transiting in one sign of the zodiac for 9 months, and taking 9 years to go around the whole zodiac. She will indicate a radical lack or excess, adding a visceral edge to things. She is a call for integrating impulses through some sort of creative practice, which can than bring forth a potent talent. For that, however, the instinctual drives must be channel and, instead of operating as mere compulsions and destructive impulses, be put to service into a life enhancing movement.

In collective transits, the Black Moon speaks of what moves the collective deep down inside, indicating the instinctive undercurrent of a particular period.

The Conjunction of Black Moon and Neptune

 Depending on what drives it, the combination of Black Moon and Neptune can indicate a difficulty with the Symbolic. In the worst case scenario, a hindrance of the symbolic could result in its opposite, the diabolic –  di meaning separation; sym meaning union.

The word symbolic originates from Greek, meaning “to bring things together”; whilst diabolic means “to separate” or “to throw things apart”. So, as Robert Greene put it, being symbolic (or communicating with symbols), is attaching things to create bonds; while being diabolic (or communicating diabolically), is detaching things that are bonded.

As observed by French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, there exist three dimensions to the human experience and the human psyche: the Real, the Imaginary and the Symbolic. It is the symbolic dimension in humans that allows for thinking, articulating, communicating, and conceiving of difference – comprehending that difference can exist and that the different can co-exist, the symbolic can both discern and bring together. Whilst the diabolic splits apart and denies the existence of the other, the symbolic acknowledges difference, what is other, and is therefore able to unite or connect.

With the raw and visceral Black Moon in conjunction to the great symbolic ruler Neptune, there can be a sense of strangeness in regards to humanity; as well as a potential for visceral artistic talent. There is, in fact, a need for artistic work, in which to be creatively devoted as a means to elaborate the complexity of the human condition and experiences – to channel and express that devouring (Black Moon) inexpressible (Neptune). When healed or on a life enhancing mode, it can be experienced as an integration of the material with the spiritual, comprehension beyond rationality, artistic impact, visceral enchantment, visceral surrender, as in devotion or art.

At the other end of the spectrum, however, this combination might indicate a distorted and/or intoxicated approach to the physical, a harsh intoxication, madness; difficulty in properly ingressing into the Symbolic dimension, thus pointing to a difficulty in conceiving the existence of the other, and of another human being. It could signal a repulsion and rejection of the human, point to a visceral lack of humanity, a visceral and brutal excess of idealism, a lack of comprehension, and signal human trauma, poison, intoxication, distorted approach to the physical, brutality towards the human. Therefore, it can also speak of nazism. It is not by mere chance that those two significant occurrences in the history of Nazism, the institutionalisation of racism and the establishment of their emblem, took place with this astrological configuration.

NOTE: I first observed this issue, discovering that nazism was astrologically related to the combination of Black Moon and Neptune, in 2014 and mentioned it in a super concise piece on Black Moon’s transit in Virgo in 2015, when the two met by opposition, in the mutable signs of Virgo and Pisces. The piece was edited by the publisher, softening the mention of nazism as a past issue that would equate to tensions between Christians and Muslims, which was not my actual approach. Some years later, the website of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, where it had been published, was revised and articles related to past transits, as that one was, were taken down, the reason why I cannot put a link to it now. I do have it re-published in my own website, for the record.

The specifics of the Mutable sign of Virgo

Segregation, discrimination, as well as prejudice, are Virgo nouns. To discriminate, for better or for worse, is a Virgo verb. Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign. The Earth element indicates resistance. When the Black Moon is in Earth signs, it is a matter of visceral resistance. When she is in Mutable signs, we are viscerally moved by paradoxes of human experience. Therefore, Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is about a visceral resistance regarding the paradox of human experience.

The Mutable modality (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) concerns the human condition, the question of otherness, the capacity to conceive of the other’s existence (or not), the acknowledgement (or not) of the other as another, different from oneself. Each human is different; we all have that in common. Our very difference makes us the same: human.

Neptune happens to be the ultimate Mutable ruler, the ruler of the opposite sign to Virgo, which is Pisces, sign of the ultimate synthesis – of either dissolution or integration. That which was analysed and discriminated by Virgo, in Pisces – or with its ruler Neptune – is to be either integrated or dissolved.

In different ways, the Mutable signs will indicate or pose issues regarding the other and/or the human condition, where the other is either acknowledged or denied.

The issue of Glorification of Nazism 

The UN Resolution

Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly is an important United Nations resolution.

Its issues were not always addressed under this same resolution title. In 2004, Russia proposed the theme of combating Nazism and neo-Nazism to be included in United Nations resolutions, pointing to the pertinence of matter, which was then taken into consideration. At first, however, there was no direct reference to the terms Nazism and neo-Nazism in the resolution’s title. The issue was addressed under the following name:

“Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Program of Action: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.”

In 2005, these themes started to be voted on in a renamed resolution, containing the expression “Contemporary forms of Racism”:

“Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.”

In 2012, combating the glorification of Nazism was emphasized in a further rename of the resolution:

“Glorification of Nazism: inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.”

From 2013 onwards, the resolution is voted on with its current name.

The Voting Results

Considering the UN resolution voting results of every year since Russia’s proposition in 2004, let us now analyse the results, observing the votes Y (YES); N (NO); or A (ABSTAINED).

To be sharply clear, note that those voting Y (YES) voted for condemning the Glorification of Nazism, therefore standing against the glorification of nazism; whilst those voting N (NO) to condemning the Glorification of Nazism, voted for allowing it. Needless to say (although, nowadays, you never know), voting A (ABSTENTION) meant refraining from taking a stance either way.

So which vote ostensively favored nazism? Voting N (NO).

The study of the UN resolution voting results was incorporated into my work in 2021, when the only two countries voting N were the United States and Ukraine. I recalled my 2014 findings regarding the 1935 configuration and that precisely those two countries happen to have Black Moon conjunct Neptune in their charts, both angular – the US having in it the very same sign as in the 1935 configuration, Virgo. I was already attentive to the another highly significant BM-N conjunction that had occurred in 2019, which I will later amplify on, in another episode of this trilogy. But it was in 2021 that I perceived how accurate and profound were the 2014 findings and how necessary it was to dive yet further into the astrology and the history of the matter. And a proper study included checking all voting results for the refered UN resolution. That part was not easy, since the voting results are not served on the web on a platter, so to speak.

An easy one to find was the 2015 list of voting results, where three countries voted NO: United States, Ukraine and Canada. Again: all these countries have Black Moon Lilith conjunct Neptune: US and Ukraine in their charts and in angular positions; Canada in one of its historical charts, the chart of Quebec, considered as being the actual beginning of Canada, as explained by Nick Campion in The Book of Horoscopes.

But all voting results should be properly examined. And, eventually, we did find them all and gathered them here, to facilitate the access to that substantial information on how countries take their stances in the international public square, especially when concerning such a serious topic.

Noteworthily, the manipulation which can be inflicted onto some countries by a greater power, influencing votes, is not a reason not to observe them, but rather a factor to be taken into account in the analysis, albeit without dismissing each country’s responsibility for their stance.

Observations on the UN Resolution Results

The US was the only one to always vote N (NO);

The second one to vote N (NO) the most times was Ukraine – 9 times N; only voted Y in 2004; after that, it either abstained or voted N.

Canada never voted Y. It voted 6 times N and 13 times A.

Besides the United States (19 N), Ukraine (9 N), and Canada (6 N), the ones which have votes the most times N were Palau (7), Marshall Islands (7), Micronesia (3), and Japan (3). All others only voted N once or twice, so far. Japan does have a history of having been allied with the Nazis. So if we were to consider it having some level of sovereignty, it could have some actual identification to that stand. The Pacific islands, however, are hard ones to picture having any sovereign stances, having been under such devastating US control. One of the Marshall Islands is the tragically famous Bikini, nuclear-bombed by the United States to a level way beyond what they did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The swimwear we call bikini was named after it, as a way to say it was so stunningly ‘bombastic’. To that level have these islands been subjected to the American empire, which was officially controlling them after WW2, ion accordance with the United Nations. That detail should not go unnoticed.

The results change as the title of the resolution changed. Before the term “nazism” was explicit in the text, Israel voted N (one wonders, ‘mere’ racism was not to be condemn?). Once the word nazism was explicit, Israel began to vote differently.

The year 2022 saw a massive change in results, expliciting how the Western world does not want to condemn the glorification of nazism, for nearly all of Europe and the Anglo countries voted N – none of them having a problem with nazism being glorified.

We now acknowledge all the countries which did, at least one time, vote N (NO), registering how many times each of them did so:

USA 19; Ukraine 9; Palau 7; Marshall Islands 7; Canada 6; Micronesia 3; Japan 3; Kiribati 2; Albania 2; Belgium 2; Czech Republic 2; Denmark 2; Estonia 2; France 2; Georgia 2; Hungary 2; Ireland 2; Latvia 2; Lithuania 2; Monaco 2; Poland 2; Romania 2; Slovakia 2; Spain 2; Sweden 2; United Kingdom 2; Andorra 1; Australia 1; Austria 1; Bosnia and Herzegovina I; Bulgaria 1; Croatia 1; Cyprus 1; Finland 1; Germany 1; Greece 1; Iceland 1; Israel 1; Italy 1; Liberia 1; Liechtenstein 1; Luxemburg 1; Malta 1; Montenegro 1; Netherlands 1; Portugal 1; Moldova 1; San Marino 1; Slovenia 1.

Even though some countries in the list above only voted N once, many of them hardly ever voted Y (YES). In fact, if we are to consider the voting which took place since the resolution made explicit the term nazism, with the words “condemning the glorification of nazism”, there are countries that never voted in favour of such condemnation. They either abstained or voted N (NO) – those countries being massively from the Anglo and/or European sphere.

The nations which always voted Y (YES) for condemning nazism, hence standing consistently against it, are those from Central and Eastern Eurasia, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

It is rather astounding that so many countries in Europe, where the horrors of nazism actually occurred, are so ‘at ease’ with the possibility of nazism being glorified. It would be very hard to understand if we did not acknowledge another historical truth contained in the same fact: it was precisely in Europe that nazism manifested.

Now, how much of it originated in Europe is another question – and an important one.

And, just the observation of such results regarding Europe now easily raises, yet, a more pressing question: to what extent was nazism over in Europe when the Second World War ended?

Where did Nazism go? And where did it come from? And where is it NOW?

We will address those questions in the next episodes.


This is the first episode of the Black Moon-Neptune Spell Trilogy. The plot unmistakably thickens. In episodes I and II, we look into present and near-future transits, and investigate what have NATO and biolabs got to do with it.

Most consequentially, this research and analysis aims for a deeper comprehension of the present and, I must apprise, results in a very serious warning in regard to both the present and the near future.

Meet you at the tea table for our next dive with the White Rabbit.