The 4th eclipse of the year – Eclipses 2023

October 27, 2023

Buckle up, everybody.

Tomorrow’s eclipse occurs with warrior Mars opposite to general Jupiter, and messenger Mercury travels with the warrior.
Guess what? They activate the karmic knot, the South Lunar Node of Israel, and Palestine’s Pluto.
Jupiter on Israel’s North Node in the 7th house, the house of the other, is one of the astro details that favors the other(s) and the neighbors of Israel (Jupiter rules 3rd house). Whilst focused on its egotistic interests, Israel looses Qui, looses energy – South Node applying to conjunct the AC.
For Palestine, Jupiter opposing its Pluto in 2023 and 2024 highlights the power struggle for territory – in tensions between Jupiter and Pluto always remember classic geopolitics: the division of realms between the gods.
Israel also has a Jupiter square Pluto transit going on. It is more brutal, but sees less – a square is harsher, but a bad angle to view things. For Palestine, it is an opposition – gotta face it, confront it, but you get see things more clearly.
Uranus on Israel’s Sun, opposite Palestine’s Sun – for the first time, this aspect never happened before, since Israel was created.
“A change is gonna come…”
This one extends into the first semestre of 2024. But right now it’s freaking strong.
Keep in mind: we are in the USA’s Pluto Return Reloaded, as I have previously explained. So… keep your seatbelts fasten.
And just as Israel, the more the United States indulges into destructiveness, the faster and harsher it will go down. But do the perverse ever listen?


* First published on Telegram –