The month is of a strategic nature for the most part, as we are in Mutable Sagittarius territory, with Neptunian enhancement right from the start: Neptune changes gear and goes into Direct motion just past midnight on Dec 4 (00:14 UTC). At 22º38 of Pisces, during the first weekend of the month, after being squared by Mercury on Dec 1st, he receives a square from Venus, which could indicate a moment of confusion or disappointment in relationships. Nonetheless, the Aries Moon in harmony to Mercury and Venus at the moment says thing should workout for the best, let’s move forth, riding with Jupiter and Neptune in Direct motion.
The marvellous thing about Neptune Direct is that he brings forth the enchantment of life, which could have been dimmed around June 28, when the planet went retrograde. Meaning sand the capacity to comprehend gain a boost. Until Dec 20, both rulers (Jupiter and Neptune) of the Great Multipolar Ship sail Direct in the sign of Pisces, stressing the multipolarity they brought into the world between Feb 18 and end of April (with the Piscean emphasis and the Jupiter-Neptune and Venus conjunctions).
But there’s yet more to the month, adding spicy flavours: Full Mars, the Black Moon and Pallas conjunction in opposition to Pluto, and the US Pluto Return.
December begins with Mars at its closest to Earth. And on Dec 8 (4:07 UTC) the Full Moon is in exact conjunction to the warrior god, at 16º Gemini. It’s high martial time. Expect it to be yet more martial ahead, as Jupiter ingresses to Mars-ruled sign of Aries on Dec 20, and Mars goes Direct on Jan 12.
You read it here – with general Jupiter into Direct motion (Nov 23), in the Sagittarius period, things would move ahead – including on the military front. And Mars isn’t even Direct yet.
The Black Moon-Pluto opposition is a (literally) cardinal rendez-vous. Visceral Kali dances with transformational Shiva in the cardinal signs of Cancer and Capricorn (exact on Dec 13, but super present for the whole month). Moreover, this opposition takes place in the month of the third and last exact hit of the US Pluto Return, to be exact on Dec 28, when the US power (Pluto) faces Karma, the witch bitch (Black Moon). No wonder Pallas, the goddess of geopolitics, joins forces with the Black Moon (exact on Dec 6, but present in the broader period), conjuncting her in the opposition to the Padrino of the underworld (Pluto).
A day after the Mars Full Moon, on Dec 9, as the BM-Pluto opposition builds up, The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) Summit takes place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Vladimir Putin will be present, and so will Sergei Glazyev, who happens to be having a greatly significant Black Moon Return on this very day. Glazyev is the distinguished economist occupying an import position in the EAEU, leading the design of a new monetary and financial system, creating a new commodities-based currency, to by pass the dollar – the US Pluto faces Kali.
As if that wasn’t enough, the China-Arab Summit happens on Dec 9, president Xi Jinping arriving in Riyadh already on the 7, ahead of the Full Moon.
The month brings this visceral transformational potential which is quite interesting, as it combines with the Jupiterian upbeat ride.
Solstice occurs on Dec 21, at 21:47 UTC, with the Sun’s ingress to Capricorn.
On Dec 29, Mercury goes retrograde, at 24º of Capricorn.
On Dec 31, the passionate conjunction of Venus and Pluto, at 27º Capricorn, take us into 2023. Mind you, they are both rulers of the Lunar Nodes in Scorpio-Taurus, marking the financial and economic shifts.
Enjoy the ride! And the geopolitical dance.