Lula’s moves went way beyond what would be justifiable.
Mind you, Lula himself did not only reprehend Putin in his statements, broadcast by Brazilian TV, and condemned Russia in a joint statement with Biden, on February 10. He also pressured China to “step up!” and “do something” for peace in Ukraine – in a rather boastful, clueless attitude, doing just what his masters told him to do.
I agree with my friends Quantum Bird and Andrew Korybko, for that is Brazil’s current reality.
I too find very concerning, as I had already stated on VK last month, the Trojan Horse scheme that the Empire is trying to play on BRICS via Brazil – that is clearly their intent.
The Russians and the Chinese can see it, obviously. And will be wise in how they deal with the situation.
Lula, however, is showing not to be a reliable, trustworthy partner to fellow BRICS countries, but to be clueless – no matter how smart or sound he might consider his stances to be. This is a moment in time to be brave and daring, not to play double standards. There were ways to remain sufficiently neutral. He did not remain neutral. He took a side – and, to anyone paying attention to the massive changes taking place in the world, he picked the wrong one. Too eager to be “respected” by North Americans and Europeans, he failed to perceive the quality of the winds blowing from East and the inspiring horizons they bring.

ZAKHAROVA on the UN Resolution:
“Many countries were against the proposed resolution. Dozens of countries abstained including China, India and South Africa. We are grateful to our partners for this support.”
The C, the I and the S. Not the B.
But the R is wise.
We seriously hope Dilma Rousseff – who seems to be much better informed than Lula, as matter of fact – cares about her legacy to a Multipolar World and honors her role now in BRICS.
P.S.: Already during Lula’s current administration, the chat group of the Slavyangrad channel has been BLOCKED in Brazil. Isn’t that telling.