January 18, 2024

Iran is doing the Scorpio IC brought to the MC thing. Necessary, as I pointed out last week. It had to remind others of its power and capacity, concisely, with precision, and the element of surprise.

The Scorpionic force which is at the root (IC) of Iran’s chart (powerful core, vision and precision) should be made evident at the MC (top of the chart, public image) – with a surprising edge, due to Uranus’ presence both in Iran’s natal 4th house and its 10th house by transit.

In turn, the appeasing Taurus MC should be brought to the IC (root, home) – securing things home, keeping calm.

Keeping calm, securing things home, whilst making sure others know:

Ain’t no messing with Iran – in precise and surprising ways.

Even if not all US officials agree, make no mistake: the US and Israel do want trouble in the region and trouble with Iran. To what extent they dare go, how perverse they allow themselves to be, that depends on the limits they perceive. And what they understand is accute danger. Civilized diplomatic means are not the rogue states forte. Iran happens to be good at it – and also at hitting targets with precision.

No dumb bombs, no dumb strategy.

Hitting the tentacles, acutely picked, whilst refraining from hitting US targets – of course. It does also send a Scorpionic message to those who serve as tentacles for the perverse regimes. And shows the range of its missiles.

Escalation has been increasing, despite Iran’s patience. The patience is immensely important, but the precise message too. More than a matter of IF things will escalate, it is a matter of HOW – the conditions set for this year’s crossing.

2023 and 2024 present the Pluto opposite Jupiter challenge for Iran, with a sense of urgency (yes, the anaretic degree 29). A necessary crossing through a geopolitical dispute that, once endured, will further empower (keep humble).

Importantly, I reiterate: within this very decade there is much prosperity for Iran.