December 30, 2022

How symbolic a day for Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping to have an official, publicly announced video conference:

December 30, 2022 – 100 years since the birth of the USSR.

And Jupiter is at Zero Aries, where Saturn and Neptune will conjunct in 2026. As explained in my 2020 presentations, this is a major aspect in marking the transition into a new world-system, and it is historically related to socialism and communism. Learning from previous experiences allowed for fertile grounds, advancing into new forms.

It’s time for socialism, new forms of socialism – advanced, wiser, more balanced. Howsoever we may want to call it, the new world-system results from and is a heir of socialism. Thus, these are indeed revolutionary times.

The system is changing and, by the end of this decade, it will be very clear to see it. That is why capitalism and its leaders, particularly the US Empire, is so desperate and dangerous. Yet, someone has already stated:

“Have no fear for atomic energy, ’cause none of them can stop the time.”

Won’t you help to sing?

Hurrah! Happy New Year.