May 1, 2024

This month brings the unfolding of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, that occurred in April but remains active, not only due to the proximity of the two planets, but also because of the Sun’s transit in that sign, where he is to conjunct both Uranus (May 17-20) and Jupiter (May 12-14). Moreover, the New Moon at 18º Taurus, on May 8 at 3h21 UTC, already emphasizes that the next Lunation is very much related to Jupiter-Uranus con junction. Some fundamental themes related: opening horizons, big business, concrete technological advancements, University students (Jupiter) protests (Uranus), dedollarization (theft of Russian assets and its blowback).

Interestingly, the month also connects to another super important conjunction, one the major ones of this decade, the Jupiter-Neptune (and Venus) conjunction of April 2022, where we had the conception of the new world in the making. How is it astrologically connected? Jupiter being a faster traveler, he is now to reach a 60º distance from Neptune, forming a favorable sextile (May 19-28), and he does it whilst conjuncting Venus (May 22-24). Therefore, the two benefics (Venus and Jupiter) conjunct when in tune with Neptune (richly so on May 23). This signifies blessings, divine providence, and peace at some stance.

Noteworthily, such aspects favour Palestine significantly, as they form trines and sextile to Palestine’s Moon. Israel’s drive for destruction and atrocities is still running, with some harsh aspects included, as I mentioned on a recent post regarding Pluto Retrograde (May 2). Nonetheless, conditions become more and more favorable for Palestine, which is also soon to have auspicious Jupiter Return in trine with powerful Pluto, and on the Day of the next Venus Star-Point, on June 4. Talk about an interesting and most urgently need configuration to take the Palestinian to cause to the next level, towards real solution. The next three years are of massive importance, bringing forth serious and concrete changes, as the petals of liberation and sovereignty unfold – and the moment now is key.

As the month connects us to April 2022, we see the results in the thriving Russian economy and the consistent military achievements of the SMO – the display, on Victory Square in Moscow, of Western equipment captured by Russia is pretty illustrative. We also see the de-industrialisation of Europe and the process of dedollarisation advancing.

As Mars transits in his domain of Aries, he will conjunct the North Lunar Node, emphasizing, on all fronts, yet again: stand your ground, boldly – your legitimate ground, that is.

Gotta be legit. No way around it. And the Full Moon in Sagittarius will expand it. It will be at 2º55 Sagittarius, on May 23 at 13h52 UTC.

She’ll be the intro for Jupiter’s next move, his ingress to Gemini on May 25 at 23h14 UTC, highlighting a very significant moment for West Asia – and all things “neighbour”. One of Jupiter’s first treats will be a blessed conjunction to Yemen’s Sun – so very well-deserved.

Already by the end of May, the Jupiter-Pluto Air trine begins (Gemini-Aquarius), for a highly strategic month of June further ahead.

Mars now in Aries is brave and up for action, whilst May’s emphasis on tangible Taurus recommends: whenever possible, appreciate life and smell the roses.