It’s February 20, 2022, planet Earth.
As the USA instigates yet another war, the first of three exact aspects of the Pluto Return of the USA occurs today.
A Pluto return takes approximately 247 years, so this is a first-time event. Intensely active throughout 2022, it has been building up to this point and will reverberate for a couple of years, marking the decade as part of the change of the world-system. The present year is undeniably a critical moment for the empire.
Pluto has to do with power. The concentration of power, as well as resources, and the loss of it, when abuse has gone too far.
Pluto is extreme, resolute.
Comparing to another karmic planet, for instance, one can pay the bill, do the concrete work, and severe father Saturn will let you off the hook. With Pluto however, it goes deeper than that – one must undergo a profound transformation and that takes surrender. The chalice has to be emptied out in order to receive the new blessings.
It is about either destruction or deep transformation.
The beauty of Pluto is its regenerative power, once there is surrender. Its symbol can be view as someone standing with the arms open to the sky above forming a chalice. Such surrender to a greater power is what it takes to receive the blessings of regeneration.
But what possible regeneration am I talking about? NOT the regeneration of the empire, no. Times are a changing and so is the world-system. What I refer to is the possibly of regeneration for the country and the nation – not as the hegemon no more.
Since the US’s Pluto is in Capricorn, the transformation has to be structural, to a level which does not seem appealing to the country’s so-called “elites.”
Out of its own economic desperation and having to face the rise of other nations in power and development, the United States, in a perverse exercise of its power, the pushes Ukraine into war, dragging its occupied territories in Europe into a losing game. American B-52H bombers, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, patrol Europe like there’s no sovereignty… Whilst 40 million American citizens cannot eat today without federal aid food stamps – and help them God if they need medical assistance.
Pluto has a sense of fate to it. The return of the lord of the underworld also speaks of the return of that which was repressed, hidden or rejected. It will have three exact hits throughout 2022, and the final and definitive of the next Pluto cycle has the planet of death and regeneration facing Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, in opposition. Karma is a bitch and hits home. What nation should the US be for its people – as opposed to against other peoples?
The power struggle will be intense, both externally and internally, with considerable risks of destructive manifestations, which can already be seen. Inevitably, the balance of power and the very world-system are changing, and it is time for alchemical transformation.
This Pluto Return is accompanied by other significant aspects, such as the Neptune opposition, and each of the three astrological charts for the Return can be analyzed. The theme is rich and has more than one dimension to it. So, I’ve decided to present the USA’s Pluto Return in a “five-pointed-star rank” report, in five parts, along the way.
Buckle up. It’s a Plutonian ride.