October 29, 2022

Brazil is boiling. Runoff elections happen sharply on the day Mars, the warrior lord, goes retrograde and right in the eclipse season, with each eclipse hitting each of the candidates:

* The first one, on Oct 25, happened conjunct Lula’s Sun, by one and a half degree. His birthday was one day after the eclipse, which means also New Moon for the year. This Solar return for Lula has a Scorpio Moon in trine to Neptune and Black Moon – which could favor access to the collective, however in a very tense environment. Black Moon in the First House (self) applies in opposition to Pluto in the Seventh House (other). Oh the Pluto Return empire! Can you guess who that is? Seventh house: friend or foe? Foe. But a pretty dominating one.

* The second eclipse of this season, to occur on Nov 8 but already at play, will hit precisely Bolsonaro’s Mars, right on the money. That means Uranus is right on his Mars too (16º Taurus). A Uranus-Mars conjunction – a first time transit for him (due to the velocity of Uranus). And it means that the eclipse’s Mercury and Sun are in exact opposition to his Mars as well. Jupiter does still hang around his Sun, and will be there until beginning of January. Let’s say, in the midst of Uranian surprises, he has “general” (as in military rank) support.

And if that wasn’t enough, guess what the Scorpio eclipse hit in Brazil’s astrological chart? The martial planet, Mars.

A lot of Mars, isn’t it? Mars goes retro on the day of the runoff and eclipses hit Bolsonaro’s Mars, Brazil’s Mars and Lula’s Sun, which is conjunct Brazil’s Mars.

Are the martial ones to be eclipsed? If so, only to be in the shadow – not to give up control.

The power structure in Brazil is ran by the generals, who’s control is as they like to put it, capillarized like nothing else in the country. Despite being contrary to Brazilian law, active duty military officers are also politically active, and do so using their military hierarchal titles – including when campaigning for political positions, which is not in accordance to law 6880, stablished before the end of the previous dictatorship, as a means to grant an unmistakable wall between political disputes and the Armed Forces, which are permanent and regular national institutions, under the supreme authority of the Republic’s President. Their mission is to defend the the homeland, guarantee the constitutional powers and, on the initiative of any of these (executive, legislative, judiciary), of law and order.

Notwithstanding, there are more than 6000 military officers in government at federal, state and municipal levels. The military is fully entrenched in Brazil’s administrative dimensions. From top federal government to state-owned companies, many are the generals, colonels, majors – and the captain.

President: captain. Vice-president: general. And the the captain is, in fact, under the generals, regardless of him seating on the presidential chair.

Politicization of the armed forces and militarization of politics and, with it, society. It wasn’t born in a day. They did not come into power only in 2018. And, tough truth: whichever the result, it won’t go away merely through an election, however important it may be in the country’s context.

“Bolsonaro the myth” was orchestrated by high ranks of the armed forces, which include officers from his generation in the military academy – classes of the 1970s and 1980s in the Academia das Agulhas Negras, some of which joined military service during the hardcore years of AI5 and the military dictatorship. Same time when ex-president Dilma Rouseff joined the guerrilla and was imprisoned and tortured.

In the 1980s, Brazil became a democracy of sorts again. And, with the end of the USSR, officers of the Armed Forces were not very pleased. What did it serve to be aligned with the USA? They had not only lost power by then, but also prestige. Funding was not at its best either and material conditions had become quite precarious.

Many are the details along the way but, long story short, when Lula was president, the above mentioned generals reached generalship. When Dilma reached presidency, they became the high command of the Armed Forces.

Unbelievably so, it was during the Leftist governments that the high ranks of the Brazilian Armed Forces were brought to a ‘cozy’ embrace with the US Armed Forces, during the Haiti intervention, a 10-year period (2004-2014).

Some time ahead of the 70th Victory Day – so we could imagine 2014, a year ahead or so? – the Kremlin invited the Brazilian Armed Forces to participate in the parade, as victorious allies. They were thrilled! Believe it of not, Dilma did not allow them to parade and only a few representatives could go – but not parade.

Talk about a lost opportunity to start dismantling a little bit the “communist threat” narrative, so strongly imbedded in Brazil’s military culture.

By that time, in fact since around 2011, the “myth” was already being created and cultivated inside the military. In November 29, 2014 – about a month after Rousseff’s second term election, a harshly disputed one – a ritual took place in the AMAN academy, where Bolsonaro’s presidential candidacy for 2018 was launched to the many young men graduating, just before they went to the public area where their families, friends, and even the President were expecting them for the special moment, when they would receive their officers’ swords – a strongly emotional moment. Bolsonaro was praised when stating “Many will die along the way”, “we shall turn this country to the right.”

Make no mistake, this is no ordinary “right”. Although amongst his voters there are many who are simply pro traditional values and actually poorly informed, Bolsonaro and some of his supporters have publicly flirted with nazism and also fiercely praised colonel Ulstra, known for being a horrendous torturer in Brazil’s history. That better not be overlooked, even though many of his voters are not even aware of that or don’t take it seriously. Undeniably, however, fascist tendencies also exist in some of the Brazilian society.

Bolsonarism is an odd and dangerous phenomenon. But Bolsonaro himself was artificially made a “myth”, used first as a “Trojan horse” and then as a “straw man”, in the words of reserve colonel Marcelo Pimentel, who advocates for Brazilian law to be respected, and that the Armed Forces should honor its invaluable mission and treasure the Brazilian people’s trust, not staining its image through political engagements and questionable practices. The straw man is the crazy (but rather clever) one, who can and has been operated in varied ways. You would not believe how easy it is to manipulate the immense majority of the Brazilian left, who has been played by his tune and rhythm, as if bewitched by the bizarre show.

“Bozo” serves as a clown, distracting attention which otherwise could be better directed towards the political moves being made in congress and the very militarization of politics and society. Mind you, this is a military aligned with the so-called “elites”.

It has been coming for quite some time and is a project, which claims to be “anti-globalists”, but its objectives are full-on ultra neo-liberal. They claim to be for the nation, but have delivered Brazilian assets to foreign companies on a platter. And don’t be fooled by their anti-wokism – it does not always equate to consistent traditional values.

It’s important to acknowledge many well-intended people, displeased by the spread of Open Society-funded wokism and worrisome distortions in society, fall into the Bolsonaro trap.

Lula is pro workers, but he doesn’t claim to be a socialist, as many in the international scene tend to think. He came from the people and cares for the Brazilian people. His discernment in regards to some crucial international affairs, howbeit, does not seem to be the best – missing significant information. His advisers and the current leftist culture in the country doesn’t take into account certain dimensions of the international plot. For instance, merely questioning “scientific” stances brought to you by Rockefeller Foundation and Gates Foundation, which even happen to be contradicted by other scientific stances, is anathema. To many, even Jeffrey Sachs stressing how scientific studies actually point to biolab origins would be met with considerable resistance. Therefore, alignment to the WEF would be expected.

Nonetheless, and here I emphasize, there is no guarantees – at all – that the military officially ruling the country wouldn’t align with the agenda either.

Hence, non-glorification of nazism is a crucial deal breaker. Not to mention the conditions for education. Not to mention the “secret budged”, which has directed already 53 billion – or more by now – to who knows where, by whom, for what.

The plot is ultra thick, but let’s cut to the chase (in a labyrinth).

Who’s got the power?

The military. And its serves the US empire. Biden or no Biden, Trump or no Trump, beyond the veils of illusion. It’s a deep state intertwined to deep state thing.

Who’s got the ballots?

The military has been dealing with the electronic voting system since its inception. They were part of the commission that promoted the first studies and designed the entire technical part of the equipment that is used on a voting day. AND they audit it, too.

Amazingly enough, it is the opposition who defends the unquestionable credibility of the voting machines and the electronic system. How come? Well, reflexive control, baby. What else? If you want the opposition to say A, just make Bolsonaro say B!!! You got your A.

Brazil is known for its electronic electoral system, considered highly efficient. It’s been so for a long time. I don’t even recall having voted on paper ballot, to give you an idea.

In the 2018 presidential elections, Bolsonaro started questioning the credibility of the electronic ballot, stirring up in his electorate suspicions on the electoral systems and how they could be manipulated in favor of the PT candidate, triggering fears they would not accept a possible victory of the opponent, Bolsonaro. Notwithstanding, he was the one to win and for his crowd it was all fine.

Interestingly though, what once had been a concern of the Brazilian left, was hijacked by him. When already in office, having the next elections in mind, he again began questioning the electoral system’s credibility, advocating for paper ballots. However, in his narrative, actual vulnerabilities of the electronic systems where not pinpointed and addressed.

The suspicion of the current electoral system was then fiercely deterred by the left, who strongly defended the safety, reliability and credibility of the electronic voting, treating possible critiques to it to be terribly ignorant and backward, and considering that paper ballots where the ones prone to manipulation.

The left totally backed the electronic electoral system, becoming its great defenders. And guess who came forth as granters of its credibility? The Armed Forces. The same ones involved in the development of the systems. So, of course, they grant it! And audit it themselves too. Have no worries, folks. They’ve got this! Quite literally, it seems.

But the left where not the only ones to dismiss the Bolsonaro’s alleged suspicions. The Supreme court too! They criticized the ignorance of such claims and, just before the recent first round of elections, Minister Alexandre Moraes inspected the room where total results where to be counted or acknowledged, stating how transparent it all was, despite concerns for the room being secret.

Sure, as long as the room is not secret and observers are in this official room, there is no possible hack of results, whatsoever. And those who oppose Bolsonaro not only feel super safe, but can also have that naughty pleasure of taking the piss of any “backward ignorant” who dares question possible vulnerabilities of the electronic voting. All good.

Note that the supreme court is under the generals’ control. It has been so for quite some time. Even when Lula was imprisoned, a general came forth and was quite explicit on how things would only operate as the generals allowed them too.

But just in case the armed forces and the supreme court (under the control of the same armed forces) are not enough for you, there’s always the empire to bomb and/or manipulate you into “democracy”.

Guess who’s ‘real confident’ in Brazil’s electoral system?

At the end of April this year, Victoria F the EU Nuland paid a visit to Brasilia, where she gave an interview to CNN Brasil and affirmed:

“We did talk about the coming elections today in the high level dialog and the message we convey is that the United States has real confidence in Brazil’s electoral systems. You have one of the best in the hemisphere, in terms of reliability, in terms of transparency, etc. So all Brazilians should have trust in the systems and should participate… And Brazilians leaders need to express that same confidence in the systems going forward, and we hope that that will happen here.”

So now the real question is: who does empire want? Are the generals already feeling too powerful, enjoying the spot light too much, empire? Is Lula better soft power for you, as you impose your tricks? Or would it be too disruptive to have the generals get down from stage a little?

They sure are not giving up power. But are they willing to be flexible, as theirs is a long term project? They have method and military discipline. The power structure is installed.

Let’s see who’s the empire’s pick.

Brazil in undergoing a massive karmic purge and identity crisis. So much still needs to be cleared, acknowledged, and worked through, for a sense of sovereignty to emerge.

Nuland came to Brazil right when the Black Moon in Cancer Return occurred in the Colony’s astrological chart (1500). How fitting! Next year, Black Moon transiting in Leo will strongly highlight the issue of sovereignty, not just for Brazil but as a general theme.

For Brazil, 2023 will call for maturity, for facing reality more straightforwardly – Saturn enters the country’s First House. Uranus in Taurus will reach the IC (territory, home, national patterns), opposing the MC (ruler). At some point, the elected president – who ever he may be – might face surprises which oppose his rule or position. Uranus and detachments – what is it going to be? Detachment from territory or sovereignty? Or rather detachment from ancestral slavery?

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. Facing reality and profoundly examining it, will pay off in time.

Words from a native, who happens to be a foreigner, a natural stranger.