Featuring Pluto in Aquarius, Black Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, the Jupiter-Uranus Taurus conjunction, Jupiter in Gemini, and Libra Black Moon meets South Lunar Node.
It’s 2024 and we’re in for more. In the decade of the change of the world-system, every year is an epic in and of itself, and we’re now rolling in the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon. Interestingly, there are Dragons of two different sorts which feature as main topics in 2024.
On the bright side of the Force, the Chinese Dragon’s rise in power, marked by Pluto’s full ingress into Aquarius and his conjunction to China’s Ascendant.
On the perversely dark side, the dragon to be defeated by Saint George and the Marshal, marked by Black Moon in Virgo opposed to Neptune in Pisces. That is the Black Moon of Nazism, of the Balfour declaration, of the WEF, and of the United States.
Monument in honour of Russian Marshal Zhukov, resembling Saint George. During World War II, Soviet Union’s great Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov never lost a battle and oversaw some of the Red Army’s most decisive victories that led to the defeat of Nazism (Photo by Vanessa Guazzelli, Moscow 2023).
Two kinds of Dragons, in a year when Jupiter will transit in Gemini, adding to the Mutability of the period. The Mutable modality (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) concerns the human condition and the issue of otherness – the capacity to conceive of the other’s existence (or not), the acknowledgement (or not) of the other as another, different from oneself and yet the same, since our very difference is what makes us all human.
Geopolitically, this Jupiter in Gemini transit is very much related to the situation in West Asia, as the sign of Gemini features significantly in many of the charts of this regions’ countries. Make no mistake: prosperity is to flourish where fraternity is found and cultivated. Not surprisingly, against all odds, Yemen will prosper, reaping the fruits of its honourable stance, as Jupiter, known as the great benefic, is to conjunct the country’s Sun. The advice, nonetheless, stands for all: honouring brothers, colleagues, and one’s neighbourhood allows for Jupiter’s blessings. Benevolent neighbours are favoured.
It’s true that the North Lunar Node still transits in warrior Aries throughout the whole year, emphatically affirming: stand your legitimate ground. The caveat is, though, it must be one’s legitimate ground. That’s where Aries thrives. And this is one of the current transits which, as I stated in my In the Year 2023 article, speaks of war – Lunar Node in Aries (July 2023 to Dec 2024).
The military edge of this North Node position is emphasized by Mars, its ruler, being in Virgo in July 2023, at the time of ingress, serving as an introduction to Black Moon’s transit in Virgo, which began in October 2023. That North Lunar Node ingress in Aries with Mars in Virgo occurred right when NATO’s Summit was taking place in Vilnius – howsoever pathetic a gathering, beware of what was brewing. The transit unfolds along 2024, whilst a Black Moon-Neptune opposition of great importance occurs in conjunction to NATO’s Black Moon. Despite NATO’s problems and weaknesses, and pathetic narratives, all of which abound, we should not underestimate the North Atlantic alliance’s drive for being destructive – neither should we ever forget how Nazi officials were part of NATO’s staff from its very beginning. Nazis did not evaporate at the end of WWII, they got new clothes, being integrated into the power structures of the West.
This über serious matter is now triggered, with a bunch of Black Moon-Neptune spell configurations occurring this year, sharply active in both the US’s and NATO’s astrological charts. It’s the nefarious dragon found in the West, which Saint George and the great Marshal’s spirit are being called upon to, once again, defeat.
The Dragon of the Black Moon-Neptune Spell
As this is an absolutely crucial issue in 2024, allow me to briefly explain here what I mean by this concept, to which I dedicated a whole trilogy that can be found on my website (vanessaguazzellipaim.com and vanessaguazzelli.substack.com) for a deeper dive through its different layers. It is a rather complex topic but, to sum it up as concisely as possible, the Black Moon-Neptune spell speaks of issues such as Nazism, biological warfare and de-humanization.
The fact that the aspect occurs now in the Mutable signs, with Black Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, only emphasizes the issues presented by their spell. Adding to it are the positions and degrees that they touch in some geopolitically significant charts, such as the United States’ and NATO’s.
Segregation, discrimination, prejudice are all Virgo nouns. To discriminate, for better or for worse, is a Virgo verb. With the visceral Black Moon transiting in this Mutable Earth sign, she indicates a visceral resistance regarding the paradoxes of human experience. In its worst manifestations, Black Moon in Virgo can be harshly de-humanising. As this transit began in a tense opposition to Saturn in Neptunian Pisces, the Zionist genocide against Palestinians started. Ethnic cleansing and terror had been going on for decades, but Israel took it yet further, as the Black Moon entered Virgo, where she heads towards the opposition to Neptune until the very end of this transit by mid 2024.
Neptune rules Pisces and is the great Mutable ruler, signifier of the Symbolic, the psyche, the human, and humanity. He is also the god of the sea and of biology. The quality of his waters will either intoxicate or give life (both impregnation and pregnancy are Neptunian words). As brumes and sirens at high sea, Neptune may manifest in the Imaginary realm, either deceiving or enchanting.
Depending on what drives it, the combination of Black Moon and Neptune can indicate a difficulty with the Symbolic. In the worst case scenario, a hindrance of the symbolic could result in its opposite, the diabolic – di meaning separation; sym meaning union.
From March to June 2024, the Black Moon-Neptune Spell will be yet more explicit, further exposing dehumanizing movements such as Nazism and Zionism – both of which are intertwined since the early days of German Nazism and are intricated in the current power structures of the West.
The Black Moon Return of the United States occurs now, in a rather peculiar
configuration. The US has Black Moon in Virgo right in conjunction with its MC, with
Neptune being there too. Thus, in the first half of this year, transiting Black Moon conjuncts the country’s Black Moon, Neptune, and MC, stirring up its very BM-N spell. That occurs every 9 years, though. This time, however, it happens when a very particular progression is taking place. The US is having its Progressed New Moon in March 2024, marking a new 28-year cycle, in exact opposition to – and, therefore, activation of – its natal Virgo Black Moon. Moreover, the Neptune opposition to the US MC is also occurring, whilst the collective transit of the Black Moon-Neptune opposition applies. Add to it the fact that it sharply activates NATO’s Black Moon in Pisces.
In a nutshell: it is a freaking serious Black Moon-Neptune spell moment.
Time calls for acknowledging the dehumanising perversity of the US empire. It is no coincidence that the atrocities carried out by the Zionist regime in West Asia and those by Ukrainian Nazis have been funded by the United States, home built on slavery, land of indigenous genocide.
However harsh this may sound, there is a dehumanising perversity ingrained in the United States’ political structure from its very beginning. Yes, there are good, decent and valorous people in the US, no doubt. But the country has been stablished and structured through noteworthily perverse means; and, importantly, up to this day, that does not seem to have really gone away. The reason why, at this moment in time, as the transition of world-systems is taking place and the hegemonic beast is in desperation, its perverse nature must be pointed out. Call it the acknowledgement that may enable healing. The structural dehumanising traits of the American empire must be addressed straightforwardly – for the good of the American people, who, nowadays, are more and more reaping the effects of US actions, as chicken come home to roost; and, unmistakably, to the benefit of the whole world. What are defenders, instigators and financiers of Nazism if not Nazis themselves? The very origins of German Nazism, as explained in my Black Moon-Neptune Spell Trilogy, were intertwined with American influence, inspiration, and material support.
Furthermore, Nazism did not just disappear from the face of the Earth at the end of WWII. To a much greater extend than commonly acknowledged, after WWII, Nazis were incorporated into Western power structures.
Call it the Black Moon-Neptune challenge on the path to the Saturn-Neptune
conjunction in 2025-2026, which marks the change into a new world-system.
Biological Warfare
As this Black Moon configuration also relates to issues such as health, eugenics and bio warfare, Disease X is not only being announced but cherished with much anticipation by the eugenicists. WEF’s Davos crew, for instance, would luv another go in the attempt to reset the system by biological warfare. Covid-19 came about with the Black Moon-Neptune conjunction in Pisces – peaking around the time of Event 201 and the first cases of infection in Wuhan. We now have the BM-N opposition applying, to peak by mid 2024, in the biological axis of health (Virgo-Pisces). Therefore, it is extremely important to keep on cutting through the veils and denouncing biological warfare, be it the US biolabs in places like Ukraine and the bioweapons there produced, be it mRNA vaccines and mandates, or whichever new health-related procedures they might try to impose. Resistance is not at all futile, and we have already experienced how cutting through the veils of mass illusion has dismantled some of the eugenicist reseters’ plans, perhaps the reason why this year’s WEF summit’s moto was “trust”. They aren’t getting the “trust” in their so-called science and projects as they wished for.
Well, trust is a Taurus word – that brings us to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.
The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Money Taurus
Ahead of his ingress into Gemini in May, Jupiter plays his top gig in the sign of Taurus in April 2024. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is of geo-economic significance, strongly activating the Cornucopia of the Multipolar World – in my 2022 lecture and article, I expounded on Uranus in Taurus and other transits concerned with the changes in the monetary, financial and economic realms.
The Saturn-Uranus square broke the horn, so to speak, being related to the breaking of the structures, the structural challenges and changes in the economic sphere (2021-2022). Now the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction says it is time to know what we want in our basket, as the horn turns into Cornucopia. Its context is dedollarization – an ongoing process. Uranus revolutionizes, whilst Jupiter expands. Being a conjunction, it’s nature can be considered somewhat neutral, as in depending on us to direct it, to choose what we bring into our Cornucopia as the new world-system is created. It is a moment that presents the opportunity to, materially (Taurus), open horizons (Jupiter-Uranus).
Mind you: there is an alert to be given in regards to this monetary-financial-economic transit. The neoliberal owners of capital, the ultra billionaires and the multinational corporations, who have so many Western leaders at their service, are trying their way into the new system in the making. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat the multipolar, find your way in – and try to sneak in your systemic patterns.
For instance, amongst other places, BlackRock is intensely invested in Saudi Arabia, with Aramco’s Chief Executive Officer Amin Nasser having joined BlackRock’s Board of Directors in July 2023. In October, when the genocide of Palestinians had begun in the region, an annual gathering of the financial elite took place in Riyadh, where “the captains of Wall Street met the Saudi princes of Saudi Arabia”, as some have described it. The official narrative was that war is bad for business and should be avoided – to what extent, one could wonder. A few days later, back in the West, both Black Rock’s Larry Fink and J.P. Morgan’s Jamie Dimon were interviewed by the Sunday Times and, from the tip of their tongs, said practically the same thing, Fink’s quote being: “a combination of the Hamas atrocities of 7 October, Israel’s resultant attack on Gaza and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year had pushed the world “almost to a whole new future.” Dimon also blamed “Israel’s war on Hamas” and “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” for the “scary and unpredictable” scenario we now face. “What’s happening on the geopolitical front right now is the most important thing for the future of the world – freedom, democracy, food, energy, immigration,” he said. Sure, freedom for their own financial manoeuvres and concentration of capital. The geopolitical front is the most important for our future, all right. But their concern is how to keep their control of the world, how to sneak into the new system their own neoliberal ways. Not only that. The ready-made blame on the wars for the “scary and unpredictable” future not just feeds into the fear the system likes to instigate, it also puts the blame of any systemic failure on wars. Never mind the extreme “everything bubble” at the final stages of the current Western system – just blame it on Hamas and Russia.
And that brings me to the point where the ingrained intertwinement between the geopolitical and the economic fronts expresses itself in the combination of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and the Black Moon-Neptune spell: as Jupiter and Uranus conjunct, the Black Moon forms an Earth trine to them, whilst sharply opposing Mars in the Neptunian sign of Pisces. This configuration peaks in April 2024, but should be considered more broadly, as it builds up and unfolds in the neighbouring months.
Nazi NATO wants war with Russia by whichever means they might have. Macron has, recently, taken the lead in blatant escalation. Playing Napoleon, he not only fails to take Empress Josephine’s advice – “don’t go to war against Russia” – but is under Rothschild’s ownership and guidance.
Uranus is, by definition, always surprising. How are banks doing, FED? Will the everything bubble resist the Jupiter-Uranus chemistry? Or are the neoliberal owners of capital, in fact, preparing for it? After all, we mustn’t forget J. P. Morgan’s words: millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do. They might not access it to its finest, but these major conjunctions sure don’t go under their radar.
Uranus is also about innovation and technology, and can further open horizons for digital currencies and blockchain-based payment systems. The technology itself isn’t the problem, and can rather be the solution, as in BRICS financial structures. Who controls it and who it truly serves are the important questions. Although Uranus in Gemini, which begins in 2025, tends to speed up these technological advancements in trade and transactions, what is now being shaped in the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus matters, and may contribute to dedollarization.
Interestingly, it takes place at the very root (IC) of China’s astrological chart.
Pluto in Aquarius and the rise of the Chinese Dragon
The new era for Chinese power will flourish with Pluto (power) in Aquarius (new era) which reaches China’s Ascendant (AC) in 2024 and 2025, in five acts along these couple of years, entering China’s 1st house, the house of identity and the nation itself.
With Pluto in Aquarius and on China’s AC and Moon (until 2026), comes empowering momentum. But, precisely because of it, dangers do too. To counter and compensate for the dangers of Pluto, directed Venus and progressed Venus and Jupiter on AC and Moon to the rescue: great are the challenges, but so is the mantle of flowers.
Pluto has now reached the Chinese AC. His first conjunction, peaking in March, began in February 2024, with both Mars (martial) and Venus (economic) joining the significant crossing.
On the Venusian front, China surpasses $ 125 billion trade surplus in January-February this year, beating market expectations.
Moreover, around the time of Pluto’s ingress in Aquarius to conjunct Chinese AC, came a significant acknowledgement of China’s rise as the top industrial superpower, its production exceeding that of the nine next largest manufacturers combined. A VoxEU research paper has been published in January, titled China is the world’s sole manufacturing superpower, by Richard Baldwin, a professor of international economics at the IMD Business School in Lausanne and editor-in-chief of VoxEU, a publication hosted by the Europe-based Centre for Economic Policy Research – a think tank by no means pro-China, but rather representing the EU’s political mainstream. Baldwin describes China’s industrialisation as unprecedented and defying comparison. For the US to surpass the UK as the industrial superpower, it took the better part of the 20th century; whilst the China-US switch took about 15 or 20 years, the author points out.
In China’s recent Two Sessions, the year’s goal to promote high quality development has been set, which includes new technologies, pursuing and integrating new productive forces, whilst, as President Xi Jinping warns, avoiding economic bubbles.
The Chinese President has also called on the armed forces to forge a stronger sense of mission, deepen reform and promote innovation, so as to comprehensively enhance strategic capabilities – both the diplomacy and the defence budgets increasing this year. That brings us to Mars.
On the Martial front, the acknowledgement of China’s rise comes in an article written by CIA Director William Burns, published on Foreign Affairs (January 2024):
“China remains the only U.S. rival with both the intent to reshape the international order and the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do so. The country’s economic transformation over the past five decades has been extraordinary… The issue is not China’s rise in itself [sure, of course not – sarcasm mine] but the threatening actions that increasingly accompany it.”
The American diplomat and spy chief then goes on to complain about Xi being too powerful, like no Chinese leader since Mao Zedong. He mentions the “no-limits partnership with Putin” and how, under Xi’s leadership, China is not using its power to “reinforce and revitalize” the international system, but is “seeking to rewrite it.” Tsc, tsc, tsc! How dare you, China. How dare you create prosperity and rejuvenate your own nation under a different system, not subjected to Western command. How dare you bring such economic might to the multipolar table where, with your other sovereign friends, you work for a fairer world-system.
The escalation of US provocations to China have not been just unaccompanied, empty words. As if there weren’t enough US forces stationed around China, when Mars conjuncted the US Pluto and headed to conjunct Pluto on China’s AC in February, US military advisors have been deployed to Kinmen, a group of small islands that are controlled by Taiwan but located just off the coast of mainland China, as reported by Taiwan’s TVBS and AntiWar News. These islands are actual Chinese territory. But the American empire not only has no manners, it has no maturity to gracefully respect other countries’ sovereignty and development.
“As the totem of the Chinese nation, dragon is deemed strong, fearless and benevolent”, said President Xi during the recent Spring Festival (Beijing, February 2024).
Xi highlighted that the “dragon not only embodies the spirit of ceaselessly pursuing self-improvement, hard work and enterprise of the Chinese nation for 5,000 years, but also demonstrates the determination and aspiration of hundreds of millions of Chinese people to build China into a strong country and realize national rejuvenation” (Global Times).
NATO’s 75th anniversary is in April 2024, to be commemorated in its summit taking place in Washington in July. The People’s Republic of China commemorates as well, in October 2024, ahead of the BRICS Summit, its 75th anniversary.
China’s roots, albeit, are ancient and, as the South Lunar Node (past) conjuncts the Black Moon already in Libra in the second semester of 2024, the viscerally powerful force of ancient civilizations comes into play. This conjunction happens to take place exactly on China’s Sun (ruler and identity).
May the spirits of the Yellow Emperor and the Great Marshal be with us as we navigate another epic year, the two Dragons epic in the change of the world-system.