October 3, 2023 to June 29, 2024 (mean and main node);

March 12, 2023 to March 7, 2025 (oscillating and additional node).

March 24, 2024

The ruler of the visceral undercurrent, Black Moon Lilith, transits in the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo. Where she passes she stirs things up. She can bring forth that which has not been properly elaborated or integrated, mobilising at a deeper level, stirring up atavistic records in the bodies – both the individual ones and the collective or social body.

The Microphysics of Time

Her transit indicates that which is viscerally mobilising the collective at a particular period in time, the underlying tone to images and words. Below or beyond words and images, she refers to sensations and instinctive reactions. Her astrological conditions indicate how a body pulsates, and the power that is exerted over or through the body, with the possibility to either paralyse and submit, or set in motion and empower.

Call it the microphysics of time – the microphysics of power in time.

Michel Foucault, a Black Moon in Virgo native, observed the microphysics of power, noting that power is not something you have, but something you exercise through relations. There is the MACRO dimension of power, of those who occupy positions and are attributed certain functions in society. But there is the MICRO dimension of power as well, which is experienced in the various relationships contained in the collective, and that somehow affect and discipline the bodies. It is in the effects of the affections on each body that the microphysics of power operate.

Ruler of the visceral level of experience, the Black Moon concerns this microphysical dimension, and her transit situates its seasons.

Toneless and weakened bodies? Or vibrant and vivid bodies? What disciplines them? What desire pulsates in them? What moves them? Here lies the key of the Black Moon and its knowledge of the microphysics in time.

Transiting Black Moon in Mutable Virgo

The transit of Black Moon in Virgo is massive. I have been addressing it for some time in other writings and in the video I posted on YouTube on the day of her ingress in Virgo on October 3, 2023. It demands, albeit, its own specific piece, explaining with more details the hardcore issues stirred up now.

A protagonist in the Black Moon-Neptune Spell, she now highly activates this astrological configuration to which I have dedicated a whole trilogy, for it conveys much information, unveiling layers of intertwined issues of huge importance in present times – particularly significant in the year 2024. I highly recommend reading the whole trilogy to fully comprehend how the varied issues I will now mention articulate with one another.

Segregation, discrimination, prejudice are Virgo nouns. To discriminate, for better or for worse, is a Virgo verb. Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign. The Earth element indicates resistance. When the Black Moon is in Earth signs, she speaks of a visceral resistance. When she transits in Mutable signs, we are viscerally moved by the paradoxes of human experience. Therefore, Black Moon  in Virgo is about a visceral resistance regarding the paradoxes of human experience.

The Mutable modality (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) concerns the human condition and the issue of otherness – the capacity to conceive of the other’s existence (or not), the acknowledgement (or not) of the other as another, different from oneself and yet the same, since our very difference is what makes us human. In different ways, the Mutable signs indicate issues regarding the other and the human condition, where the other is either acknowledged or denied.

In the case of Virgo, the visceral resistance to the other is exalted, and prejudice and de-humanisation find a fertile ground. This is the very Black Moon of institutionalized prejudice and de-humanisation. It is the Black Moon of German Nazism’s emblematic moment when, in September 1935, the hakencross (swastika) became the only national flag of Germany and the Nuremberg Race Laws were implemented, institutionalising racism and setting the precedent for other Nazi laws that followed.

That is the Black Moon of Nazism, of the Balfour declaration, of the WEF, of Al-Qaeda, of ISI, and of the United States.

That which is not yet properly elaborated or solved reemerges in the encounter with the raw Real. As Nazism and Zionist are unveiled, it is a call and opportunity to deal with matters more adequately. For the general population, it is a time to acknowledge that which had been hidden or ignored.

The Specificities of the Current Transit (2023-2025)

The ingress of the main node of the Black Moon into Virgo occurred with the dispositor, Mercury (ruler of Virgo), in this same sign, reinforcing the transits’s characteristics. Importantly, Mercury opposed Neptune one day ahead of the ingress, adding a Neptunian edge to it, pointing to lies and deceitful narratives, which tend to be acknowledged as such and confronted during this period.

Just two days into the Virgo Black Moon, on October 5, the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) attacked the Al-Aqsa mosque, one of the most sacred places for Muslims. Why on Earth would they do that. Rather provocative, wasn’t it? On October 7, Hamas attacked Israel, executing the then called Al-Aqsa Flood military operation. The next day, October 8, Israel declared “war on Hamas” and initiated what turned out to be a genocidal – and on-going – operation. As the tense opposition to Saturn in Pisces took place, the Zionist genocide against Palestinians began. Ethnic cleansing and terror had been going on already for decades, but Israel took it yet further, as the Black Moon entered Virgo, heading towards the opposition to Neptune in Pisces, in the zodiacal axis of health. And, since then, not even health facilities and professionals have been spared. Both patients and medics have been rather targeted by the IDF. Medical supplies are being blocked from entering Gaza, causing thousands of children having to be amputated without anaesthetics.

An analysis focusing on the situation in Palestine and West Asia will be presented in another article. What is to be acknowledged in this one relates to the BM in Virgo position.

Due to my in-depth Black Moon studies, I was able to state ahead of the occurrences, in a YouTube video published on Oct 3, , that the harshly destructive Mars-Pluto square (Oct 7-12), happening along Black Moon’s Virgo ingress, was in some way related to nazism and the unacceptance of the other’s existence, to the de-humanisation of the other. And so it happens that, this time, genocide is being carried out not by old-school German Nazis, but by Zionists. Noteworthily, Nazis and Zionists did collaborate in the process of World War II. Therefore, it is no surprise that, in the history of both ideologies, this Black Moon position can be found.

Common ground for Nazis, Zios, and other extremists

The The Balfour Declaration (1917) – by which Great Britain gave what was not hers to give, namely Palestine to the Zionists – was made under a Black Moon in Virgo transit. And so were the Nuremberg Laws, the first Nazi racial laws, stablished at the same time that the Nazi swastika became officially the only flag of Germany (1935).

In regards to West Asia, a.k.a. Middle East, guess who features amongst Virgo Black Moon originals? Both Al-Qaeda (1988) and ISI (2006), from which ISIS (Daesh) was made, originated during Black Moon in Virgo transits.

The present BM transit coincides with the transit of Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026), which includes:

– one Black Moon conjunction – in 2019, Event 201 and beginning of Covid-19;

– and two Black Moon oppositions – in 2015, Ukrainian Nazis’ war against the Donbass republics which also aimed for genocide, and the fight against ISIS in West Asia; and in 2024, Nazism, Zionism, and biological warfare.

All of these issues are connected to the Black Moon-Neptune spell, the de-humanisation configuration which is strongly triggered in the current collective transit. Moreover, specific charts of geopolitical concern also show the Black Moon-Neptune spell being intensely triggered at this moment in time.

The United States has Black Moon in Virgo right in conjunction with Neptune and the Mid-Heaven (MC, top of the chart). So it’s a Black Moon Lilith Return year for the US. The Black Moon will conjunct the country’s Black Moon, Neptune, and MC, stirring up its BM-Neptune spell. That, however, happens every 9 years. The detail now is that it occurs when a very particular progression is taking place. The United States is having its Progressed New Moon in March 2024, at 19º26 Pisces, marking a new 28-year cycle, in exact opposition to – and, therefore, activation of – its natal Virgo Black Moon. Additionally, the actual New Moon in the general collective transits, just ahead of the US Progressed New Moon, takes place almost on the same degree (20º16 Pisces).

Another chart sharply affected in 2024 by this transit is NATO’s (see The Black Moon-Neptune Spell Trilogy – Episode Two). It will have transiting Black Moon opposing its natal Black Moon in Pisces, whilst Neptune conjuncts it.

Black Moon’s period in Virgo will end with the momentous Neptune opposition – again, perfecting the aspect just a day before she moves into Libra. Additionally, the Sun joins the exact aspect, forming a T-square with Black Moon and Neptune. The Moon follows one day later, from the opposite sign to the Sun. Both the exact T-square with the Sun and the one with the Moon (if we are to rigorously focus on the exact aspects), occur on extreme and anaretic degrees 29 – of urgency and/or unpredictability.

The fact that the final aspect of the Black Moon in Virgo is an opposition to Neptune, enhanced by the Sun and the Moon by squares, underlines the significance of the Black Moon-Neptune spell.

Moreover, since her next ingress, into the sign of Libra, will occur also with the BM-Nep opposition being active, within 1-degree orb (sharp), we should know the issues of the current transits remain relevant for the next 9-month transit too.

Disease X and Biological Warfare

With its dehumanizing edge, another key topic of Black Moon in Virgo relates to health.

We have been witnessing that in Israel’s brutal attacks on hospitals and health professionals, whilst also impeding the delivery of medical supplies to Gazah.

Well-informed readers won’t be surprised to learn the World Economic Forum, which began in January 1971, has Black Moon in Virgo. Remarkably, in January 17, 2024, in Davos, a panel called Preparing for Disease X was held at the WEF’s 54th edition. Notice that The Moon was at 17º Aries, the degree where the North Lunar Node conjuncts Chiron, the wounded healer, in the sign of the warrior (March 2024).

If the Black Moon-Neptune conjunction in Pisces (2019) and its Covid-19 was not enough, and neither was the BM-N square (2021) with its jab mandates, the BM-N opposition (2024) is their next shot, so to speak. What exactly is cookin’? We don’t always learn about it immediately. But these positions emphasise an alert regarding health – and as a simple, basic advice, North Lunar Node and Chiron say: strengthening our health is always a good move, one that puts us on the right path.

Biological weapons are a serious concern at this time. As the US empire and NATO lose their grip on the world, desperation resorts to other means. The more we shed light onto the matter, better are the chances to avoid it, as the pernicious try and keep it all under the Neptunian veils of deceit.

For a deeper dive into the astrology of bio warfare, featuring US biological laboratories, see Episode Three of the Black Moon-Neptune Trilogy.

To the Rescue

As the waxing Moon entered Virgo (Mar 22), to conjunct the Black Moon (Mar 23) before a Lunar Eclipse (Mar 25), a horrendous terrorist attack was carried out in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, the Russian capital. Claimed by ISIS, an actual US terror creation, it was – make no mistake – a US sponsored act in sync with Nazis in Ukraine. In its Black Moon Return, driven by de-humanisation and terror, the empire sowed its “surprises for Putin”, as not-so-retired Victoria Nuland put it.  Needless to say: bad, very bad move, for Kali karma unmistakably returns and marks the new Progressed Moon cycle for the US.

De-humanisation, terror, and bio warfare are all OTHER means by which the pernicious do politics and war, in their drive trying to annihilate the Other.

In addition to the Multipolar Resistance, Foucault and Freud, two Virgo Black Moon natives, to the rescue. On the bright side, Black Moon in Virgo is about being able to discern and resist the potential for collective anaesthesia, deceit, and delusion – the pernicious Neptunian veils. It is about being not woke but awake, attentive to that which emerges as the Rückkehr des Verdrängten (return of the suppressed, Freudian concept). It is also a time which calls us to be more perceptive of our bodies, strengthen our health, and be aware of the microphysics of power, taking advantage from our very capacity to viscerally resist.

Transit Highlights (considering the main node)

Virgo Ingress: Oct 3, 2023

Opposition to Saturn: Oct 5 to 19, exact on Oct 12 at 1º57.

Venus conjunction: Oct 8 to 10, exact on Oct 9 at 0º42.

Full Moon square Black Moon: Nov 27 – 4º Gemini (BM at 6º Virgo).

Full Moon at Apogee: Feb 24, 2024 – 5º Virgo (BM at 16º Virgo).

Sun opposition: Mar 6 to 8, exact on Mar 7 at 17º21.

New Moon opposite Black Moon: Mar 10 – 20º Pisces (BM at 17º Virgo).

Trine to Uranus: Mar 27 to Apr 30, exact on Apr 12 at 21º22.

Trine to Jupiter: Apr 16 to May 3, exact on Apr 25 at 22º46.

Mars opposition: Apr 19 to 22, exact on Apr 20 at 22º16.

Opposition to Neptune: Jun 19 to Jul 7, exact on Jun 28 at 29º55.

T-square with Neptune and the Sun at anaretic degrees (29º of Mutable signs); followed by one with the Moon; just before going Full (forming a dissociative grand-square, as the Full Moon takes place in a Cardinal sign): Jun 20, 21, 22.

Libra ingress: June 29, 2024.