January 30, 2023

    Well, ladies and gentlemen of the multipolar world in the making, buckle up. On February 13, Mars ingresses in Aquarius too. Guess who he meets right there and then? The protagonist of this article, of course, Pluto. So here are the two of them again. This time, it is in a conjunction at 00º46 Aquarius.

    When astrologically observing warfare, the major planets (the social and the generational planets) configure the broader context, but the trigger is Mars, the god of war. In October 2023, he squared an intensified Pluto (stationary Direct), and later opposed general Jupiter on an eclipse day. Now, in February 2024, he ingresses into Aquarius to conjunct Pluto (Feb 12 to 15) on the Great Mutation’s degree. And, after conjuncting also Venus, he will square general  Jupiter (Feb 25 to 28).

    This should put everybody on alert, on all fronts, since it is a collective transit. Especially the big three fronts, where empire and its tentacles have their eyes set to bother the three big sovereigns – China, Russia, and Iran. Although I am not saying there are, necessarily, going to be multiple attacks, I’d have all fronts especially attentive, since belligerence tends to up a notch, so to speak.

    I don’t  see NATO’s move against Russia being yet fully prepared in the way they intend it – not only from geopolitical observation but also due to the fact that it relates to other astrological aspects which are not peaking yet. That said, just the Nazis across the 404 border have caused enough already, having attacked Donetsk soon after Pluto’s ingress. So caution is always necessary and the Russian Forces know it.

    Since 2020, I point to how Pluto on China’s Ascendant (AC) marks its rise to power and, also, the danger that comes with it. In 2023, just by entering Aquarius, the transit said hello. But it is now that it really starts, with exact aspects being perfected. The 1-degree orb activation of the Pluto transit on China’s AC begins on February 7, 2024; and will end on December 26, 2025. The partile (exact) aspects are five altogether: on March 15 and  June 22, 2024; and January 16, September 14 and November 11, 2025.

    The detail now is: as Pluto reaches China’s AC, with him comes comes Mars. Thank goodness for the mantle of flowers brought by progressed Venus and Jupiter, currently favouring both the Chinese people (Moon) and the Chinese army (6th house ruled by Moon). But such a Plutonic conjunction demands readiness. When Ukraine had Mars crossing its AC and, just a few days apart, conjuncting Pluto, I foresaw the inevitability of Russia’s entry into Ukraine – February 2022. Hence, I cannot refrain from alerting how this Mars-Pluto conjunction takes place on China’s AC, within a 1-degree orb. It indicates the martial edge of this Pluto-AC transit. Additionally, the fact that Venus will follow speaks of its economic nature too, and that prospects are, eventually, for the better.

    Now, obviously, the most inflammable region at the moment is West Asia, where the sky has been falling in too literal terms, with a horrendous genocide being carried out since the the square of Mars and Pluto, who now meet at Zero Aquarius.

    Whatever the manifestation, it will further trigger the Great Mutation.